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Ch; 15. Chrift 1. Corinthians. is rifen. Ch. I 8. And Taft of all he was feen of me alto, as of one born out of due time. 8. And after all there he appeared to me from Heaven, as to one that was too latecon- verted. 9. For I am the leaft of theApo- ftles, that am not meet tobe called, an apoftle, becaufe I perfecuted the church of God. 9.,For my perfecuting God's Church ma: kethme fo unworthy tobe numbred with the Apoftles, that though God calledme to beone, I mutt efteem my (elf as the leaft, fo the kart of them, or below the Twelve. to. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bellowed upon me, was not in vain ; but I laboured more abundant- ly then theyall : yet not I, but the grace of God whichwas with me. no. But God's free Grace hath callednie to this Honour and Work: and his Grace given hath not been in vain; for (though I came lam in, and was a Perfecutor) I have fine been C II A P. XV. Oreover, brethren; I de- clare unto you the gofpel which Ì preached unto you, which alto youhave received, and wherein ye Rand ; 2. By which allo ye are raved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, ;Inlets ye have believed in vain. s, t, And becaufe Tome endeavour to fub vert your Faith, I will recite the Sum of that Gofpel which I preached to you, and inwhich you have lance continued, and which is the lure and fufficient Dottrine of Salvation, (though theArticles be few) withoutall the.corrupt Ad- ditions inventedby proud erroneous Men, un- lefs your Beliefof themhave been unfoundand fuperficial, and fo in vain. See that your un- found Beliefdeceive younot, and thisGofpel will not deceive you. For I delivered unto you firft of all, that which I alío received, how that Chrift died for out fins accord- ing to the fcriptures: 3. For I told you, that Chrift died at a vo- luntary Sacrifice for our Sins, therein fulfilling what was promifed of him. This I received fromGod by Infpiration, and from the certain Witneffes byjut Report and Evidence. 4 And that he was buried, and that he rote again the third day ac- cording to the Scriptures q. And that he was feen of Cephas, then of the twelve. 6. After that, he was feen of abuve five hundred brethren at once: of whom the greater part remain unto this prefent, but fome are fallen afleep. 4. s, 6. And as the Scriptures foretold, he was buried, and tole again the thirdday. and appeared to Petry, and after to the fpecial Oil tiples, who were Twelve .before /.sdas's De- fe&ion, and after. Andafter that (its like, in Galata) he was feen of Five hundred,tire. 7. After that, he was fen of James; then of all the apoftles. 7. Sitte, That it's not tobewondred at, that this Appearance to Yames,and to the Five hun- dred, are not before diftinetly mentioned in the Gofpel, when St. Mahn tells us how (mall a part ofwhat Chrift did, is written. And as one Evangelift bath fome things which the o- ther omit, fo ifPatti have fome which all four otsitted, the fameSpirit recordeth them all. more laborious than any of them all: which I afcribe not to my Pelf, but to God's free Grace, which chofe, called, iuftru&ed, excited, and ftrengthenedme. 1 r. Therefore, whether it were I or they, fo we preach, and fo ye, be- lieved. xi. But whether the Converfaon of fo ma= ny of feveral Nations was by me or by them, is not material to the thing in quetion. Theft lame Articles of Faith were they that we all unanimoufly preached, and into the Belief of which, as the Chriftian Verity, you were Bap- tized. 12. Now if Chrift be preached that he role from the dead, how fay fome among you, that there is no refilrreftion of the dead ? at. And how then can the fame that fay they believe the Refurre&ion ofChrift, deny the Refurre&ìon of the Dead, and theLife hereafter 13. But if there be no refurreai- on of the dead, then is Chrift not rifen. 14. And if Chrift be not ri- fen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is allo vain. 13, t4. Ifnone rife. Chrift is not rifen And if Chritt be net rifen, then it is Ballhóod and