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Ch. 15. Paul decl reth I. Corinthians.. the Refssrreélion. Ch. 15. and Deceit which we preach, and which you rat, as well as Spiritual and Eternal, by Man have believed, and not the glad Tidings of alto came our deliverance by a Refurreeeion. Salvation. For as by ,Adam's fin the fentetce of death 15 Yea, and we are found faa3 a came on all his poíterity, as fuck ; fo all that are in Çhrift Stall by him ke deliveed to au witnefles of God i becaufe we have everlafting happy lath. teftified of God that he railed up Mae, That the Refuredion of all Men, good Chrift: whom he railed not up,,. if and bad, is an effrit of Chrift's Death and fo be that the dead rife not. Relmredion, antecedently to differencingGrace, as appeareth yohn. 5.24, 25, ere. But that in r 5. And then kwill follow, not only that proveth a Refurrediou to condemnation, is con- we deceive the World, burthat we belie God fequendy tasted by Mens fin and the Apo- himfelf, when wewittaefs that he hath railed ftle here fpeaketh of the Eledt's Refurrettion Chrift s which would be a mot heinous crime. to felicity. 16. For if the dead rife not, then is not Chrift railed : 17. And if Chrift be not raifeds your faith is vain ; ye are yet in your fins. r6, t7. If the dead rife not, and -Chrift role not, what hope have you of Salvation from lin and death? 13. Then they alfo which are fal- len álleep in Chrift, are perifhed. 23. But every man in his own or- der: Chrift the firit- fruits, after- ward they that are Chrift's, at his coming. 23. But Chrift the caste of our Reft medion malt rife before us, and all Clttiftians at his coming. 24. Then cometh the end, when he fhall have delivered up the kin;- t B. Thendead Chriftians are peri shed : that dom to God, even the Father i when is, If their Souls live nut when the Body is he fhall have putdown all rule and dif blved, their Soulsperifh; and if the body all authority and power. , W not, that peritheth for ever; and the Mar y 1 ryrs would Le great totem, and martyrdom fol. 24. Then comerla the end of his acquired Iy. Mediarorial Kingdom, when he fhall have re- 19. If in life only are have dated udperfedfy to God his .Father, and we Melt need his reducing, healing Government hope in Chrift. we are of all men no more, and fo God fhall govern us iu the molt miferable. flare ofperfed innocency, andCtrift (hall have r9. Auci if there be no Reltrredion or life pat down all Rebelling Powers,Authority and after this, but our hope of benefit by Chrift Rule. were only in the rhings and tiro: of this'prefent note, This is a lad iniynation that fo mash life, none were fo miferable as Chriftians, who of Rule, Authority and Power as is here called Mutt forfake all, even life it feltfor Chrift. Lill,] will be agau t Chrift. lore, That the thing denied by the Here- 25. For he mull- reign till he hath 'ticks, wasnot only the refutredion of the Bo- put all enemies under his feet. ,cry, hut alto all life after this for Soul or Body: And fo the Apofile joyneth the coufûtationof 25. For there Powers now mentioned be- both under the name ofRefurredion. ing Enemies to Chrift, he mull rein till they areall fubdued, 20. But now is Chrift r len from 26. TheTaft enemy that fhall be the dead, and become the fïrft fruits deftroyed, is death. of them that fleet. 2.6. By Enemies, I mean all that refill his 20. But we have full proof even from.fenle, faxing Works: And of rude Death is the lä&, that Chrift is rifen ; and therefore as the Fidt- fults confecrate the whole, fo .Chrift's Relit- 27 . For he bath put all things un- tedion being to purchafe ours, loth prove to der his feet. But when he faith all our comfort, that the dead (hall rife. things are put under kiln, is is ma- 21. For liince by man came death, nifeft that he is excepted which did by man came allo the refurreflion of put all things under him. the dead. 22. For as in Adam all 27. only God is evidently excepted, who die, even fo in Chrift Ihall- all be is he that thus puts all things under him. made alive. 28. And when all things (hall be 2102.2, For as by Man caw death. GorpQ_ fnbdued unto him, tlarn (hall the Son alíi,