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Ch. 15.. themanner of 1; Corinthians. theRtfírreFtion. Ch.15. 34 Such lewd opinions Phew that mene Reafòns and Confciences are in a Seep and Cu- pidity; awake them and they will lead you from fin to righteoa hefs. By this it appeareth z that ¡bale among you dh t cad ehemfelves Chef. Clans, have not yet the true knowledgeofGod and his Will; which I fay, to humble you by frame. 35. But tome man will fay, How- are the dead railed up ? and with what body do they come ? 3 s. Bur fome of you may the hardlier be- lieve the Refitrreetion, becaufe they cannot tell how the dead are raifed, and with what body they !hall rife. alto himlif be fiih;ea unto him that put ail things under him, that God may be all in all. 28. When Chrift hath fubdued all that op- poferh his paving mediatorial Work, Chrift is a Creature Stall be for ever hiinfelf fabjeft to the Deity, and Shall give up his recovering work (oho ßì1l it' will be our Glory to fee his Glory :1 So that the pure, bleflird Deity will be the felicity of Saints, and beall in all. 29. Elf_ what !hall they do which are baptized for thedead, if the dead rife not at all ? why are they then baptized for the dead ? 29. And if the dead rife not, to what put- 36. Thou fool that which thou pole do we in &.ptifm proibi our belief of the foweft is not quickened except it die. Refitrredion, and refign our Bodies a living Sacrifice to die when Chrift requireth it, and 36. This is the Objelion ofa Fool r For in this in hope of a Refürreerion lignified by our lowing, (though a Seed truly dead be unfruit- tiling from under the Water. ful, yet (the Seed is buried, and by a fort of Rotting or Corruption feemeth as dead, before 30. And why ftand we in jeopar- it ipting up unto Fiait. dy every hour ? 31 I protef by 37. And that which thou foweft, your rejoycing which I have in Chrift thou foweft not that body that (halt Jefus our Lord, I die daily, - be, but bare grain, it may chance of 3e, 3r. What folly were it in us Chrißians wheat or of Come other grain. to choo(è a Religion and court of Life, for sy, 1 he Corn which thou foweft bath not Which we are in continual danger from the ma- the Blade or Stalk, andEar, and Blower, aua lignant World? I protect by the joy which I Chaff. It is not formally, but virtually or fe- lhave in your Chrißiantty, than I live continu- minalfy the fame, whether it be When or e- ally a dying life, that is, in daily fo fcriugn, ther Grain. and danger of death, and preparation For it. 38. But God giveth it a body as 32. If after the manner of men I it bath pleafed him, and to every have fought with heaftsat Ephefus, fed bis olvn body. 38. But out of this Seed; and by its feri- rife not? let us eat and drink, for nal vertue,God by theadditionofatrraRedNu- to morrow we die. triment, giveth it a Body, with Straw, Flow- 32. Ifas Men Combat one with another, I ers, Chaff, and Seed, as pleafeth him: Ir be- was put at F.,çbrßss to Crane with Feula (or ing his Power and Will, to which nothing is Wafts in the Cape of Men) what get I by fudh trepo pible, which muff (stasi-eour ìnquifir ne hazzards and fitfferings, if there be no life to hainds; Rcfureedion,.s Generation, being un- come ? Then it will follow, that tiroir fenfual learchable to us. Fools are the Wife Men, who fay, Let us eat 39. All flefh is not the faire fleth r and drink, and take pleafiue to the Blefh while but there is one kind of fle h of men, ors may, for we hall fhortly die. another flelh of beads, another of 33. Be not deceived : Evil corn- fifties, and another ofbirds. munications corrupt good manners. 39. Faut you muß allow a difference of Bo- 33. Let not filch evil Principles, and' pro- dies.:. for even here there is much difference. verIs, and talk deceiveyou. Ill words deceive 40. There areal'o celellialbodies etaany, and draw to ill Deéds and Converfations and bodies terreltrial: but the glory 34. Awake to righteoufnels, and of the celeflial is one, and the fin not; for Come have not the i:eow- dory of the te:reftrial is another. fedoe of God: I fpeak this to y:;ur 41. There is one glory of the fun, what advantageth it me, if the dead !name. and another glory of the moon, and another.