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Ch. r,5 Themanner of LCorinthians. the Refcrrec ion. Ch. r 46. Bur the Animal Perlon, from whom by Generation wehave but meer Nature, was to, us incaufality, beforehim that conveyeth to us Spiritual and everlaftingLife. Our Nature de- rived from .Adam, was before the Reparation, Spiritual Holinefs, Refurreftion, orGlory given by Chrift ;. even as ,Adam wasbefore Chrift's own Incarnation and Refurre&ion. Perfetioa is the laft and ripe State of God's Work Moue Salvation. 47. The firth man is of the earth, earthy: the fecond man ic the Lord from heaven. 47 .Adam was made Out of' the Daft of the Pafiive Elements; though God breathed into him a Living Soul, yet Earth was his first abode: But Chrift is the Lord from Heaven; his Divine Natura being there from everlafting, affumed the Humane by the over-ihadowingof the Holy Ghoft, 48. As is the earthy, fuch are they alto that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, fuch are they allo that are heavenly. 45. And. as ,Adam was a Natural Man, and the Root of filch; f) it is but Nature which we bare from hint : And as Chrift is Heaven- ly and Spiritual, fo will he make all the holy Secd robe like him, Spiritual and Heavenly.' 49. And as we have born the i- magb of the earthy, we .thall allo bear the image of the heavenly. 49. And as we are born of Adam, Men as he was; fo we flan be made by Chrift Spiri- tual and Heavenly, as he is. 5o. Now this I fay, brethren, that flefh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neitherdoth ,cor- ruption inherit incorruption. 5o. And this I tell you, That thefe Bodies mutt not come to Heaven in the proper Form of Flefi and Blood, nor can as filch, poffefs it; for, as filch, theyate corruptible, and cannot fo inherit Heaven, which is incorruptible. 5 r. Behold, I thew you a myftery We thall not all deep, but we !hall all be changed, 51, And I will tell you thatwhich is com- monly unknown : Though the Juft shall not die that are alive at Chrift's coming, they Mall all be changed, as well as Chofe that rife from the Dead, from being proper Fleth and Blood, to have Spiritual Bodies. 52. In a moment, in the .twink- ling of an eye, at the lafttrump (for another glory of the (tars ; for one fear dif eaeth from another ftar in glory. 42. So allo is the refurreai- on of the dead. It is fown in corrup- tion, it is railed in incorruption, 4°, 4t, 45. The Celeftial Bodies greatly differ from theEarthly Bodies ; and fo do e- ven. the Celeftial among themfeives; as the Sun from the Moon, and one Star from ano- ther, enc. And fo (hall our Bodies at the Refur- maton greatly differ from thefe that we have now; particularly, by being incorruptible. 43. It is fown in dilhonour, it is tailed in glory: it is fown in weak- arefs,, it is railed in power: 44. It is fown a natural body, it is railed a fpiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a friritual body. 43,. 44. It is now fo vile a Body, that it muff rot and corrupt in darknefs in the Earth; But it shall rife in Glory. It is buried in utter Impotency, likethe common Earth; but God's Power Mall raife it a Powerful Body. It is bu- sied like the Body of a Beaft, that was paffive, and only aBted by the living Soul; but it (hall rife a Spiritual Body, more fuited to the Nature of the Soul, and having allo an -a&ive Nature (like as Fire bath) in it felt There are Natu- tai Bodies; of Paffive Matter, in daily flux, repaired by Food, and a(ted only by otherNa- tures, or Souls : And there are SpiritualBodies, (either filch as theSun andLight bath,or high- er) which are incorruptible, and of themfel ves not indired to death, diflolution, or change, and befides the Soul, are fo like it, that they are themfelves. ActiveNatures. And fo it is written, the firft man Adam was made a living foul, the last Adam was made a quick- ring fpirit. 44. That is, The first .Adam was made by Goda Iiving Soul, put into a corruptible Body, not having an unchangeable State to himfelf, norPower to make his Pofterity fuch: But the fecond .Adam had in himfelfunchangeable Life, fuited to a fpiritual glorious State, and was the Root of fach to his Believing Pofterity, 'enabled as the Lord of Life, to rife himfelf, aftend to Heaven, and to raife them to Life, and take them to himfelf, and to make thema fpiritual, holy People, capable thereof. 46. Howbeit, that was not firft which is fpiritual, but that which is natural ; and afterward that which is fpiritual. the