Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Annotations ,a the trumpet thall found) and the dead (hall beraifed incorruptible, and we (hall be changed. 52. Ina moment Chriftis potent Call will be like a Trumpet, calling Men together; and the Dead !hall be railed, and living Saints chan- ged intojan incorruptible flare. 53. For this corruptible muft put on incorruption, and this mortal muff put on immortality. 53. For this mortal Body and Compofition, which is now corruptible by Diffolution, muft bechanged intoan incorruptibleand immortal Rateof Being and Habitation. 54. So when this corruptible (hall have put on incorruption, and this mortal (hall have put on immortali- ty, then (hall be brought to pafs the fayingthat is written, Death is fwal- lowed up in vi£tory. 54. And Death being conquered by Chrift. (being a Fruit ofSin,. fromwhich he Saveth us) we (hall die nomore. 55. O death, where is thy fling ? O grave, where is thy viétory ? 56. The fling of death is fin; and the firength oflin is the law. n Chap. 15. ss. Though now Deathfeem to conqueras!; we triumph over it by Faith in Chrift, fore - feeing our Refurre&ion : being faved fromSin, which is the Sting, and the Penal Law or Carle, which is Sills condemning Srrength. 57. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the viftory, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. 57. But by Faith whichteeth things tocome we give God thanks, that will raife us from the Dead, and give as final Vi&ory over Death through Chrift. 58. Therefore my beloved bre- thren, be ye ftedfaft, unmoveable, always abounding in the workof the Lord, forafmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 58. Andstow, Brethren, make this neceffa- ry ufe of all. Seeing our Faith and Hope of a Refurreafion and future Life affureth us, that none of our Chriftian Labour or Suffering shall be in vain, or to our lot's, or without a glo- rious Reward ; what remaineth,but that againf# all Temptations you be ftedfaft and unmove- able, and do God'sWork with all your pow- er, abounding in Labour and patience to the end ? ANNOTATIONS. AS this Chapter is of great ufe for our Infru&ion, fo it is not without many Difficulties to our Underftanding. I. Its needful to be obferved, into how narrow a room Paul reduceth the Gofpel,or Articles -of Faith concerning Chrift; and how greatly herein theydiffer from hint, that condemn, ex- communicate, or perfecute thole who believe Thefe, and all the Bible betides, if they fubfcribe not to the Truth of all their Articles and Forms fuperadded, and the juftnefs of their nume- rous Canons. II. TheApparition of Chrift to theFive hundred, and to Yames, feemeth part of that which Sr. Yobn faith was not by himwritten : So chat part of the Evidence of Chrift's Refurre&ion should be enough to caufe us to believe ir. III. Though it was butfume at Corinth that denied the Refitrre&ion, the Church was faulty in bearingwith them : yet reparation from that Church for their fakes, is not required, not allowed by the Apoffle. IV. The Socinians from the tgthVerfe, and divers others, gather, That Paul denieth the Felicity of ourSouls before the Refurre&ion, becaufe he intimateth, That if therewere noRe- furre&ion, (but only an Immortality of the Soul) Chriftianswere the molt miferable Men, and their Faith. and Sufferings vain, and they were yet in their Sias, dru. - TheMatter is weighty, and the Solution hath this Difficulty. Some fay, That becaufe the Heretical denied the Immor- tality of the Soul, as well as the Refutre&ion of the Body, Páut Cuppofeth this, and anfwereth them as to both : And they fay, That a%YeisetStç fignifying but toland sip, that is, to live again, includeth the Life of the SeparatedSoul, as well as the Refurre&ion of the Body. o- thers fay, That Paul fpeaketh only of the Man, and not of the Soul alone, which is but part ofthe Man. Soul and Body are effential to a Man; and as a'Man, 'hemay be miferable, becaufe part