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.4<notzztions on Chap. 15. part is fo, (as a Tooth-ach jx to the whole Bódy) though the Soul be hippy. Others fay, That the Felicity or prfeaMan at the Ref:art-e`:ion will be fo much greater than that of the Severs- red Soul before, and alfò that Separate State is fo darkly revealed to us, that the Apoftle aia- beth lighrof is in tompari(imof the latter. The rit of there Opinions is not iucoulidérable; but the chief Anfwer k by a ftri:icr Expolitioa,of the particular Texts. And, t. verfe 19 argu- eth thus : LLf we believe im and Fifèr fora Chrift as rifén,. who is not rifen, then he cannot f:ve us either as to Soul or Body;and then we are the moft miferable fò:tof Men. For our Hopes fo him, for the Time and Thing; of this Life only, afford lets than others have, his Kingdom being not of the world) : This Argument is not againfh, but for the immortality ofthe Soul; So Verfe 32 rw,,at adeantagerh at ow if the dead ref not ?J r. c; Neither Soul nor Body is ad- . wntaged by fhffcring for a Chrift as thin, who is not rifen. V. The Comparifon of .edam and d rff is as hard, Leming to mean, that fdarRs Soul, and It`s Pofterities, as aril, are not Immortal. But indeed it implieth ao more than this: I. Tnat its called, Gen 2 a li ringSc:e(.but Chrift the Lana of Lfe. 2, Tnat .Adam had but a Soul breathed into him by Creation on Earth; but Chtift was in Heaven from Evcrlafting, the Living God. . Toat.i4d,oa, propagated only Humanity; but Chrift alto Sanaity and Felicity. 4. That 4dato by Nature had but a lofeable Capacity of Bodily Life continued an Heavenly. Felicity ; and by Sin came Short of both: But Chrift bath L!ft in himfelf as the Root of Holinefs and Hap. t iteß in Heaven, which He will give Believers, both to their Souls and Bodies, and will give -a BodiyRef-in-realm to all Men. VI. Ver 2:1. The Kingdom delivered up to theFather, is but that Government which Chrift isfeth to recover and face Sinners, and is uo addition to the lather, nor diminution to Chrift; Bur as a Prince undertaking to reduce Rebels, layech down his Commillion and Arms when he bath done his Work, and yet increafcth his own Honour ; or as a Phyfhcian giveth up his Holaital, when he Rath healed all the Sick. And it is like, yea, certain, that when Chrift's acgpilitive Mediation is finifhed, he will (till be ibme fort ofMediator of our Fruition : For we ball 11111 behold his Glory. VIL Ver. 37, 3g. CCem to intimate, That the Body that Skill rife is not the fame chat was Unwed, but fùch a Body as God plealbth anew to give. Doubtlefs it is the fame in fome ieG>ei, and not the fame inall refpe.Ss: And to 1waIle to know j. l how far it is or is not the farce, is. toohhid for us, and may be quietly left to the Will of God.- The Seminal part-of the Grain (Matter and Form) ìiveth in the newFruit, in which it fpringetir up, (as the remind part ofMan begins his Bing in the Womb) but the ad led Macs which makes up the, the Stalk, and Bar, and new Grains, are ad drawn from without, from the \Vater, Earth, and Air, by God, and by the Seminal S2irit. We fee that Men eft grow Fleilty, Fe, and Lean a= stain, and at (dì die with little but a skioned.Skeleton: I with .few.believe, that either Men dying Fat Shall rife Fat,or Men dying Lean Shall rifeSean;or yet thatevery wife Man Shall rife witit all the Fleth which he ever lived or finned in, and which daily pallid away, or coniumed in :Sicknefs. To know howmuch, and what goeth to i leutifictlhe Body, we umft leave to God, if we will not pretend to-the Knowledge wehave not. Nor is it-necetfary tobelieve, that all awls, Bcafts, and Fires rife again, and go to Heaven, which are ever dieted, and made Idúmane Flefh. The Apoftle likening our Bodies to Seed, maketh Come tá doubt whether the dead Body Lsave a R -furrel ion by any Seminal Vertue, as a Natural Cauf, or only rife by Miracle. Tite Latter is moft commonlyhad: And yet it is certain, that the Soul raketh with it a Love and In- r-iination to its Body, which is a fort of femin:d Di(poiidon. And no mortal Man bou c-eth ivhether die Soul take not with it (lime of the Ig,:cera Spirits by which it here operated as Sash a Body, as Seminal Vertue in Inferior things is lodged in them ; and whether at the :Reftrrealon God ufe that Compofition of Igneous Matter (or Ethereal) -and Spiritual Form, for the aggvegation of fo much more filch Matter as !hall be needall to makeup the Glorious; Spiritual, Incorruptible Body. But allthis, and how mach of the Fieíh we lined in Cod will tail, is to as unknown. VIII. Ver. 5o. That Fleih and Blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, is-groily -per- -Vetted by then that fay, That it's only Sinful Flefn that is meant, or them that fay, That bletti ßnd Flood. hill enter, but Incorruptible. Ir is proper frnhrl Flesh and Blood that the Apoftle mentionctlh. Mel: is the Blood,and other notritiveJr-ice, coaayleted in ò that Fibrous S,!bftanc -fo called, and is the Matter of Food digefted and a hmifaced unto this. It is made of Eatti, Vateraod Air; and fr s!'io^,d. Devine them, and nothin; tint isin Hea`ceat will avree with that DeF.nitinn. If ftdh Earth !hail be p'oced in Heaven, it will cease by tranfmutarion io he N-;rrt. To all a Soiritual, Incorruptible, Glorious Body; Fárthand Water, Or Flcflt and Flood, and place tit ft. with the I leff.d Spirits, is but to equivocate tit not to ufe the Words univocal- 1y The tito general Councils (lice fecund and anitamce, beforeit. diifcriugm other things, agree, that Chrid's trueBody is in Eleaten but hart there is is not FIeílt and i.' -loud: (And yee éhd l'ayif5 feign, that he bath Rill teal Fk fa and blood in theSzcraatcnt.). Cbubx=