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Annotations on Chap. t 5. boahtlefs by a Spiritual Body is meant one that is fo near the Nature of a Spirit, as is lttefc for fpirirual and glorious Work ; which made many of the Fathers fay, That it will be an E- thereal, or lgnco,:s, orLuminous Body. But God's Knowledge mutt be implicitly reflect in, when we have no explicit Knowledge. CHAP. XVI. t. Ow concerning the cclleai- on.for the faints. as I have given order tothe churches of Gala- tia, even fo do ye. 1. I core next tit your Order for Colledi- ons for the poor. Chriftians in the prefent Fa- mine at yerrsfalem: In which I would have you, as molt convenient, to ohferve this Or- der, which I give to the Churches of Galatia . 2. Upon the firft day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in more, as God bath profpered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. z. The Lord's -day. being f parated for fared Works, of which holy Charity is a great parr, let every one willingly lay by, as devoted to God for this Service, according to the propor- tion of his Inreafe, that I may find it ready, and not Baywhen I come for your Colle&ions. 3. And whenI come, whomfoever you íhá11 approve by your letters, themwill I fend tobring yourlibera- lity unto Jerufaleln. 3. And then, that you maybe fatisfied of the faithful delivery, you Shall chufe the Meffenger your (elves. 4. And if it bemeet that Igo al- fo, they yhall go with me. 4. And if I find cattle to go my felf, your own Truftees Shall gowith me. g. Now I will come unto you, when I !hall pafs throughMacedonia: (for I do pars through Macedonia.) 6. And it may be that I will abide, yea, and winter .with you, that ye may bring me on my journey, whi- therfoever I go. 7. Pot I will not fee younow by the way, but I trufl to tarry a while with you, if the Lord permit. 5, 6, 7. Aote, That a wife Fore-contrivance of our own Courte of Labour is lawful, buton- ly with fubmtffion to God's Will. B. But I will tarry at Ephefiis until Pentecofl, g. For a great door and effeflúal is openeduntome, and there are many adverfaries. 8, 9. Hope ofgreat Succefs, and the oppori. Lion ofmanyAdverfaries, perfwade me to Bay at Ephefus. Nre, That great Succefs of the Gofpe! oft confifeth with manyAdverfaries. to. Now if Timotheus come, fee that he may be with you without fear: for he worketh the work of the Lord, as I alto do. ro. See that Timothy, when he corneal, be' not difcouráged by diftruft, or abufe; for he is my faithful Helper in the fame Work of the Lord, in which I ferve hirn. It. Let no man thereforedefpi:e" him: but condu£t him forth in peace, that he may come unto me ; for I look for him with the brethren. r r. Defpife him nor, but give credit tò his Melfage, and refpe&fuily condu& hint at his return to us. 12. As touching our brother Apol- los, I greatly delired him to come unto you with the brethren : but his will was not at all to come at this time; but he will come when be fhall have convenient time. Note, That Paul left him to hischoice, and did nor fufpend er filence him for difobeyiug an Apoftle. 13. Watch ye, rand fart in the faith, quit you likemen, he ftrong. 13. Finally, Your Cafe is fo weighty, and Trial fo great, as require your confiant watch, your refolved fledfaftnefs in the Faith, a Man- like Strength, Endeavour, and Defence. 4. Let all your thingsbe done with charity. 14. The farm and chiefelt Rule that I give you, is, Do all that you do in Love, or En- dearednefs to one another ; and this will cat our SelhlhneB, Pride, bney, and IAivifion, and keep