Ch. io. Perfecuted Preachers St. Matthew. fear not men. Ch. to 19. But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye Shall fpeak, for it Shall be given you in that fame hour what ye shall fpeak. zo. For it is not ye that fpeak, but the Spiritof your Father, which fpeaketh in you. t9, 20. And let not your own flownefs of Speech put you on anxiety (as it did Mofes and Ifaia/,.) For God'sSpirit inyou, will help you and teach you what and how to fpeak in leafon. - zr. And the brother (hall deliver up the brother to death, and the fa- ther the child : and the childrendhall rife up againff their parents, and caufe them to be put to death. 22. And ye fhall be hated ofall men for my names fake 2x,22. So great is the enmity of the Fled, againfh the Spirit, and againft Faith and Holi- nefs, that it will overcome even natural affecti- on of Brethren and Parents, and Children, fo that they shall bring their neareft Relations toMartyrdom and other Sufferings. And the World will hate youfor myfake. But he that endureth to the end (hall be faved. Zí. But he that overcometh all thefe Trials, and holds out in faith and patience to the end, than be laved. 23. But when they perfecute you in this city, flee ye into another : for verily I fay unto you, ye Shall not have gone over the cities ofIfrael, till the Son of man be come. 23. But it is your duty fo far to preferve your Oates for further Service, as to flee from Yerfecutors, to go preach elfewhere (fo it be not when you have any greater obligation to the contrary than your lives be worth.) And I tell you, you (hall not have gone over all the Cities of /Pad in the performance of this work that I lay upon you, till they Shall fee theMefftah in his own Perron, openly owning his Csllice, and preaching to them as Inch Nina. N. Thia,hard Text is varioufly expounded : r. Some lay, that the Romans deftruélion of 7eraafolens isChrift's coming here meant. a. O. theca lay, that it is his coming by Con/dantine's Converlion to Set up Chriftianity in power and honour, and that the meaning is, that theCities of yede.s (hall not be all converted till than. 3. Others fry; it is Chrifl's coining to Judg- ment ; or, fly others, to call theJews at his pi renal Ri ign, till when they will not be ge- ntzaily converted. 4. It fi ems to me more probable, that it is his own open declaring himfelf to be the Clarift, and that his Kingdom is come: For s. he yet preached but much like yohn, that the Kingdom of God ( the Mel frah) is at hand. 2. And he did notyet bring his own Difciples toconfers it, it being after extorted from Peter, Mat. 16. and he highly praifed for confeiFing him. 3. And he forbad Peter, and thofe he healed, and the very De- vils to confers him. 4. So that properly his Kingdom began at his Exaltation, even his Refurreetion, Afcenlion, and fending down the Spirit. s. There is another Expolition of Tome that think he meant, Tho I fend you from me now, let not my abfence difcourage you: I will be with you again, before you havegone over all the Cities : As if he fpake of their re- turnto him at their next meeting. 24. The difciple is not above his Mailer, nor the fervant above his Lord. 25. It is enough for the di- fciple that he be as his mailer, and the fervant as his lord : if they have called the mailer of thehoufe Beelze- bub, how much moreShall they call them of hishoufhold ? 24,23. You arenot greater or better than I: It's enough ifyou be tiled but as I am. If they fay that I work by Beelzebub, what words or falle accufàtions be fo bad which you may not expel that aremy followers. 26. Fear them not therefore. : for there is nothing covered that Shall not be revealed, and hid, that Shall not be known. 26. Therefore fear not their falle accufations, or their threats: Forthere is nothing now co- vered with falle ptetences, reafonings or 'tan- dems, which Shall not be uncovered, and truly opened : and not any thing hidden by fraud or force, which Flail not be made known. 27. What I tell you in darknefs, that fpeak ye in light : and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the houfe tops. 27. What t fpeak to you aloneor in Parables, that publish fearlefly to all the World. 28. And fear not themwhich kill the body, but are not able to kill the foul : but rather fear him which is able to deflroy both foul- and body in hell. 23. Your bodies are mortal and -muff die, and God may fuffcr men to kill them: But fear not men that can do no more, nor can kill or undo the Soul that is immortal: But fear Gad and offend not him, whocan deftroy both Body and Soul in Hell. z9. Aro