Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

The Second Epi'tle of F AUL the Apoftle, to theCORINTI-IIANS. C H A P. I, fort that we enjoy, and that all mayfurth2:: your Salvation 1. Aul an Apofkle of Jefus 7. And our hope of you is tedfaf$, Chrift by the will of God, knowing that as you are partakers of and Timothy our brother, the fulferings. fo jbald ye be alto of unto thechurch of God which is at the confolation. Corinth, with all the faints which are 7. Therefore I hope that fitffering willow in all Aglaia: 2. Grace be to you overthrow your Faith, while you took for the and peace from God our Father, and fame confolation. from the Lord Jefus Chrift. Si ß For we would not, brethren, a, 2. When it is read to the Church at Co- have you ignorant of our trouble rich, to whom it is fpecially direlted, to be which came tous in Afia, that we communicated to othersin .Acbaia by them. were preffedout of meafure, above 3. Blend S):,, God, even the Father ftrength, infomüch that we defpaired of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Father even oflife: of mercies, and the God of all corn- S. I would have you know how great our fort; 4. Who comforted' us in all fufferiogs were w.Afa, even beyond our own bur tribulation, that we may be able Stength to bear them, and fuoh as put me its expeccationofdeath. to comfort them which are in any 13í1t we had the fentence of trouble, by the comfort wherewith de9th in our Eaves, that we lhould we our felves the comforted of God. not truft in our felves, but in God . 3, 4 ----[By fame Renton that comforted nue, and by the experience of his Mercies, which raifeth the dead. which giveth me a comforting frame of Mind.) 9. But God brought me to thisexpraatien For as thefufferings of Chrift °fdeath, that I might not truft to my prefent 5' b lute, but unto God alone, and that as one that abound in US, fo our confolation alto can ralle the dead, and give them a better life aboundeth by Chriff. hereafter, than that which they lay down for S. As I fairermore than others for Chrift, Ciarift folhave proportionable comfort by ChriS. le, Who delivered us from fo 6: And whether we beailifted, it great death,, and doth deliver: in, is for your confolation and falvdtion, wham we truft that he will yet deli- which is effefual in the enduring of ver us : Ia. You alto helping toge. -tile fame fuf£erings which we alto lof- ther by Prayer for us, that for the ter : or whether we be comforted, it gift bejioived Upon usby the means of is for your confolation and falvation, many perioss, thanks may be given 6. So great is the love of God to you, that by many( n cur behalf. born one AtEietions and Comforts are intended a o, a t. Who hath delivered us fi im fo tei- .as means to your comtbrt that youmay the rible a kind ofDeath, and Sill Bath deliver us; r,âlier fulfer rs we do; and hope for that colt- and wehope will do till our Work-be -done, Re B ,