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Ch. I, Enceuragements, II:Corinthjans. etgainfjTroubles. Ch. r. But your Prayers mutt concur as the Means, 17. a R. What I purpofed waswith fubtnifli- that God alto mayhave all your Thanks. on to God's Providence and Will. Had any I2c Fqr our rejóycingis this caufe then ro accufe me ofLevity and Fallhood , the in my Promifes, as ifmy Word weas not tobe >:eftimony ofour confcience, that in credited? i take God to witnefs, that I (peak fimplicity and godly fincerity, not my real Purpofe in truth, though I was hin, with flelhiy wifdom, but bythe grace dred frbm Performance. Af God we have had our convertati- to. For the Son of God Jens on in the world, and more abundant- Chrift, who was preached among }y to you-wards. you byus, evenby me, and Silvanus, I a. Tate, T. That the Chriftian mutt havere- and Timotheus, was not yea and joycing not Maly in Chrift's Merits; but in the onkienceof his own Sincerity. g Sincerity nay, but in vain was yea, zö. För all is much iu Simplicity, and contrary to íelf the proenifes of God in him are yea, feekingfielldy Wifdom. 3. It is God's Grace and in him amen, unto the glory of that gíveth this Sincerity. 4. Where it is u God by us. fed in eminent Se!f denial it may lawfully be 19, 2o. And more abufive is it hence to ga- glor'iedin againitDetra&ors. ther my Incredibility in Preaching, and the 13. For we write none other uncertaintyof my Dodtrine : For Chrift whom things unto you, then what you read whom we preached is a cenain Saviour, and PI'' áçknowledge, and I truft Oü his Promifes all Cute, andare fealed, confirmed, Y and proved to God's Glory, in the Power of Ilan acknowledge even to the end. our Miniftry: z3. For 7 willingly expofe my Pelf and Do- 2 I. Now he which eftablifheth us &nine to your Trial; I write but the fame with you inChrift, and bath noin- things which you hate received and own, and ted us, is God : 22. Who bath all() hope will own even tothe end. i4. As aifo you have acknowled- 1 aged us, and given the earreft of eSpirit in our ears. gedus inpart, that we are your re- xr, sz. And ft is God ltimf If who efÉä- )eycing, even as ye allo are ours in blithefhboth us and you in Cluift, and bath the day ofthe Lord Jefes. anointed and fealed us, and given us the Ear- 14. As I my (elf have been owned by you nett 'of his Spirit, which is hs Pledge, and ou± as yourComfprt, though I have finale Accufers, Security. even as you ave my Cómforr when I render an 23. Moreover, I call God for .a re- Account of my Ministry to Chrift. cord upon my foul, that to fpare yot} 15. And in this confidence T was I came not as yet unto Corinth. minded to come unto yoù before ; e I. do by Oath call God himfclf to wit- you might have a fecond bene nef, that my notcoming yet to you, was not -fit ' our of any fuch Fallhood, Levity, or Self-re- fpe:t as my Accufers intimate ; true I d.layed, r t. And in confidence of this our mutual as forefeing how m.pleafing it would he to Love, I pia potèd to cone to you, for the in- haveexercifd the Severity amongyou, which sicafe ofyour edcee, your Sin, beforef.eprntance, req,ured. 16. And topars by ypu into Mace- 24. Not for that we have domi, donia, and tocome again out of Ma- nion over your faith, but are helpers cedonia unto you, änd of you to be ofyour joy : for by faith ye Rand. brought on my way toward Judea. 24. Not that weare Lord's over your Faith, 36. When I carry the Contribution to or have any Power-to change it ; but out, Yxde.u. Preaching and Difcipline is to help your Joy by 17. When I therefore was thus rafting out Sin, and by eftablifhing you in rlinded, did I ore lightners ? or the Faith, ma "Ran in and by which you itt d and things that I pair pofe do I purpofe live. according to the flefh, that With me there fhould he yea, yea, and nay, C A P. II, .. pay. 18. But as God is true, our .cord toward you was not yea and r. laltUT I determined this with nay, my felf, that I would not come