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Ch. r. Pgul excuis II. Cori come again to you inheavinefs. 2. For if I make you lorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the faine Which is made lorry by me ? nthians. his not coming. Ch. 2. be fwallowed up with overmuch for- row. 7. But now he is penitent, ye ought to for- give, and comfort himwith the notice of Par- doning Mercy fromGod, lefttoo much furrow overwhelm him. ñbre, That Sorrow forSin may be too much., and it is fo, when it fwalloweth us up, and dothmore hurt thangood. 8. Wherefore I befeech you, that ye would confirm your love towards him. t. r that judged him for hisSin, nowab folvehim, and intreatyou in Love to receive him. 9, For to this end allodid I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things. 9. I wrote to you to cat himout, to exercife yourQbedience :and fo I now do to take himie. tr. Towhom ye forgive any thing, Ifòrgive alto : for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, foryour fakes forgave 1 it, in the perfon of Chrilt ; to. As you forgive him, and deliire his Re= ,oration, fo do I; And I abfolve .hint by, Clint's i Authority, as his Minifter, for your own Good and Comfort ; Difcipline being for the Churches good. II. Left Satan fhould get an ad- vantage ofus: for we are not igne rant ofhis devices. 11. For we knowthat Satan bath his Stra- tegems, and would turn our latticeand Dif- crpline to our hurt,(either by too muchdejeding the Sinner, or by exafperatiag and dividing the Church :) And we wouldnot be over- reached by him : The Means are for the End, 12. Furthermore, when I came to Troas topreach Cbrift's gofpel, and á door was opened. unto me of the Lord. 13. I hadnoreft in my fpirit, becaufe I found not Titus my bro- ther : but takingmy leave of them, went from thence into Macedonia. la, 03. At Treat I had great Encourage- ment in my Minitry ; but not hearingof you by net, difquieted me, ers. 14. Now thanks be unto God, which always caufeth us to triumph in Çhrifì:, and maketh manifeft the faviour of his, knowledge byus in et very place zee e.a 14. Te t, 2. But thetrue caule ofmy delay tò come to you, was, that havingreproved you for ma- ny Sins, whichrequired (harperCoulureif you had not ditowned them, I was not forward to grieve you by fach difpleafingWork, andfaid to hear of your Repentsnce. For your Grief is my own ; and none can take it from me, but your (elves, by your Repentance. 3, And I wrote this fameunto you, left whenI came, I fhould have for- row from them of whom I ought to rejoyce, having confidence in youall, that my joy is the joy of you all. 3 And I gave you my Reproof by a Letter, that it might cauCe that Reformation which might preventmy Sorrowwhen Icame my felt: for I ought to have joy in you, as I hope all° my joy is yours. 4. For out of much aii&ion and anguilh ofheart, I wrote unto you with many tears ; not that you fhould begrieved, but that yemight know the love which I have more a- bundantly unto you. 4. For Iwas Co far frominfulring over you, or defiring yourhurt, that I performedthat ne- colliry part of my Office with great griefand anguila, and wrote to you with many tears s not delighting to grieveyou, but to flewmy L.ovefor your Reformation and Salvation. 5.. But if any have caufed grief, he bath not grieved me, but in part : that I maynot overcharge you all. s. But the Grief which I had by the Sins of fame particular Perlons, I am far fromcharging on all the Church. 6. Sufficient to fuch a man is this punilhmenr, which was infliaed pf many. 6. The ChurchesCenfsre andRejeáion of fucha Sinner, is as much Punifhment as I kid get meet. .Ore, That the Panifhmenr was not only in . the pretence of Many, (that is, theAffembly) bat alfo(by many:I For though the Paftor had the Keys, the People were confining Executi- oners, by avoiding Communion with the Ex- 'communicate. 7. So that contrariwife, ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, left' perhaps fuch a one fhould