Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. Spirit- II. Corinthians. and Letter. Ch. 3.. ratites could nor endure to look Wes in the then ; nor fee that it was to be abolished by Face, for the Glory of his Countenance, which his better Covenant, as it now is. We fpeak yet is now done away ; freely to you with open Face. 8, Hew [hall not the miniffration 14. But their minds were blinded: of the spirit be rather glorious ? for until this day remaineth the fame s. Muff not the more excellent Miniftry of rail untaken away, in the reading of a durable Golpel, by wltt h God giveth Men the old teffament j which vail is done his Spirit, he more glorious ? (though we the away in ( hriff. Minifies fecal contemptible.) 14. But the Minds of the unbelievingYews 9. For if the minil}ration of Con- were blinded, and to this day the Veil remain demnation be glory, muchmeredoth ech by this their Blindnef, Co that they under- the ministration of righteoufnefs ex_ hand not the End and Defign of the Old Tefta- ceed in g lory. ment when they read ir. But its taken away by Chri.. to true Believers. 9. The dill-event Covenants !hew the dif- But even unto this day, when. ferert Glory of the Minifiry : For if Mf s`s Ministration of a Condemning Law was Glory, Moses, is read, the vail is upon their. our Minifiration of ajuhifying, fàving, Gofpcl heart. (.ovenanr nieshsteeds exceed hisMgasftry in true a5. Their Unbelief lheweth us, that the Veil Glory. and Elindnefs is on them to this day. go. Fur even that which was made 16. Nevertheles when it hhall turn glorious, had no glory in this refpett, to the Lord, the veil (hall be taken by reason of the glory that excel- away. leth. is. But when they shall be convesred to to. For as a greater Light maketh a Lefler Chriftianiry, the Veil !hall be taken away, feem as note, fo the M,pick Miriftry of the and they flail underhand the meaning and. Law had as it were no Glory, being clouded tendency of the Law. by the Gloryof the Gofpei 17. Now the Lord is that fpirit rr 1 I. For if that which is done away and where the fpirit of the Lord is, v:ds glorious,, much more that which there is liberty. remaineth is glorious. 17. And as the Letter loth but point unto 1 t. For if the Law of Mefs (confidered for- the Spirit, without which it loth but kill ; fa nretly as fuch, and given to the "jams to rule it is Chrift who is that Spirit which is the their Commonwealth, and lead then: toChrift), Sustain and End of the Letter and Types : And which was to cease when the Golpel carne, to where the Spirit of the Lord is, these is Free which it was a Schoolmafter, was yet given in door and Power of Speech, as well as Delive- Glory; much more is the Golpel, which is to ranee: And .therefore we use that Freedom continue, andits Ministration glorious. with you. 12. Seeing then that we have i8. But we all with open face, fuch hope, we life great plainnefs of beholding as in a . glafs the glory fpeech. of the Lord, are changed into the 12.. Wonder nor then that we fpeak boldly fdlne image, from glory to glory, to you, when we can drew fisch Authority. even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 12. And not as Mofes, which put is. And fo all true Chriftians, not veiled as a Pall over his face, that the children the Yews, but with open Face, in the opern Of !!reel Çoeld not fiedfa`:ly .look t0 the Glory of the 1_ord andrby ourfsSpir teal the end of that which is aholilhed. Renovation are changed into the Image of 13. We do not as Mores veil our Faces, fig- Chrift, from one Degree of Glory to another, , niîying that the I,"raefire, could not well look by the Spirit of the Lord, who will porfeA to x500 true Rod and Meaningof their ownLaw, his \York, which is Chrift, to wheat) by Types is pointed A.h Isfp!