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Annotettiona on Chap. 3 ANNOTATIONS. orHE fear offávouting ..?ntivamianffm bath tempted Come to pervert this Chapter, about the abolifning-of Mafia's Law. I know ofno Man that hath written fo much againft the :Antinomians as I have done, nor with fo much furcers, in rafting down their Libertine Errours in this Laud : And yet I abhor running into the contrary Extreme. And therefore I fay, that it is ev'deiu to any unprejudiced confidering Realen, that Pau! here affirmeth, That the very Law Itten in Stone is abolished and done away. To fay, it is only the Glory of the Burning Mount, or ofMoes's Face, that is done away, is plainly contrary to Ver. 7, 9, to, 51, a 3. I will not tire the Reader with Arguments from Co plain Words. TheTruth is this : r. The Lawof nature is not done away by Chrilt, but made part ofhis own Law, into whole Hands that and all things are given. 2. The Ten Commandments, except the Preface, and a Word or two in the Second Com- mandment, and the Determinationofthe Seventh Day in the Fourth Commandment, are the Common Law ofNature. .3. Chrift alto hath exprefly made them his Law, by reciting them preceptively: And fo 'they bind all Chriftians now, as the Law of Nature, and the Lawof Chrift. 4. God by giving the Yesestheir Laws, gaveus dire Lions to know in the like Cafes what is equal or wrong to us. But formally as it was God's Law delivered by Mofes to the Yews, it binds not us, and ifsClone away. For, a. It never;as fach; bound any but the Yews, and the few ProCelytes among then} For it was never promulgated to the World : And even theDecalogue was Political, and all pride for that Commonwealth. And all the Worldwas never bound to turn Yews, nor to dwell or come into a remote Country, no bigger than half England. 2. The Yews own Commonwealth is diflolved, and fo are their peculiar Laws. 3. The Apoftle exprefly faith, That the Law written inStone, that was glorious, is done a= way, ver. 7, and t t. r3. compared:" 4. Motes was no Ruler or Mediatorto the whole World. 5. If one part of Mafia's Law, as filch, bind, then all of it bindeth, áweenies ad ensue; and fowe muft turn 7ews. 6. Paul exprefly nameth Sabbaths as abolished ; that is, A Day ofCcsemonial Reft ; which the Fourth Commandment ordaineth as a Type of Spiritual Ret by Chrift. The Summ is, That ave are bound to the Law commonly called Moral, as it is the 'Lawof Na- ture, and ofChrift, but not formally, as the Law given the Yews byMofes, or of written in Stone. CHAP. Iv. t'Ï'Herefore feeing we have this Ininiftry as we have received mercy . we faint not: t. Therefore having received amore honou- rable, Miniftry than that of Mofes, God's Mercy encourageth us, and keepth us from fàinting in our Labours andSufferings. 2. But have renounced the hid- den things of diOionefty, not walk- ing in craftinefs, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but, by ma- nIfeftatiolr of the truth, comienda ing our felves to every man's con- fcience in the fight of God. 2. But have renounced rhofe things which cannot endure the Light, left they fhould be flamed, but are craftily carried on in the dark; nor do we ufe deceiving Arts in hand- ling the Word ofGod, hut in the open Light, by Evidence ofTruth, we expofe our felves to trial, and expedt Succefs. 3. But if our Gofisei be hid, it is hid to tlmm that are .loft . 3. So that if our Preaching be not yet un derfiood and believed, it is not for want of our clear Delivery, but from the miferable Cafe of loft 'IncapableHearers.