Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 4. Offa thfuhiefs II: Corinthians. in the Miniflry. Ch: 4. 4. In whom the god ofthis world body, the dying of the Lord Jefus; hath blinded the minds of them that the life alto of Jefus might be which believe not, left the light of made manifeft in our body. the glorious gofpel of Chrift, who r6. We bill boar in our Bodies a hiemoriii is the image of God, fhould chine five conformity to our fuffaring, dying Lord; unto them. that òur delivered Bodies alfo might havefomt conformity to his Life, by whom we live, and 4. Betaufe theDevil, by the love bfworld- whom wepreach. ly things, ruling the Hearts, Of worldly Men, bath blinded them, that they may not believe I i. For we which live, are alway the Gofpel, and fee that Glory which Shiner's delivered tintai ,J5eath for Jefus fake, in Chrife; who is the Image of God. that the life alto Of Jefus might be 5. For we preach not our felves, made manifeft in or mortal fleth. hut Chrift Jefus the Lord; and our felves your fetvants for Jefus dag by fake. tr. 'For we that yet live are,in continual anget ofdeath Perfecutors, for Jefus fake: that we might be Emblems of Chritts Refurre= Lion and Life, and a proof that he liveth, who preferveth us', ,while we preach that blefféd Life which he poffeffeth, and hash purchafed and promifed. . 12. So then-death worketli ii us, but life in you. la. So that in our Sufferìsigs Chrift's beat& is refembled; but his Lift in your Convtrliod and Prefervatiori. i3. We having the fàtñe fpirit of faith, according as it is written I believed, and therefore have I fpoken : we alto believe, and there fore fpeak; f3. But we bate the fame Spirit bfFaith ap yon have, and therefore fay with David, That we fpeak becaufewe believe. S. It is not odd felves that we comthend by preaching to you, or let up for you to believe in ; but it is ChriftJefus the Lord, elfe indeed our Minifry were inglorious:) and we only manifeft our felves to be faithful Servantsfor your Salvation by atilt, who hath called us hereto; and whole Glory weproclaim. 6. For God who commanded the light to thine oút of darknefs, hath !hind in our hearts, togive the light of theknowledge ofthe glory of God, in the face of befits Chrif. ö. For God, who by his Word created Light, bath fltined by Spiritual Light into our Hearts, giving us that Knowledge of God Which glorioufly appeareth in the Perron, Do. marine; and Works ofChrift, which he com- mandeth us to communicate to others. 7. But we have this treafure in 14. Knowing that he which railed earthen veffels, that the excellentÿ up the Lotd ,Jefus, (hall ráife úp ús of the power may be of God; and alto. by Jefus, and shall preterit ur not of us. with you. 7. But we that art thus tufted and honos- 14 For he that railed up Chrift, Mall rain red of God; amour felves poor, frail, afili&4ed us up both from our Sudériugs and Death; amt. Mortals, that ii may appear, that it is by the prefent us with you, who are the Blèffrngs of Power of God, andnot ofMen that the Got our Labours. pel profpereth. 15. For -all things are for Your 8. We are troubled on every fide, fakes, that theabundant gi ace might, Yet not diftrefled; five are perplexed; through the thànkf ,iviving .of many, but not in defpair . 9. Perl&cuted; redound to theglory of Gods bit not forfaken ; caft down, but not /5. For it is for Xbu that we fullr, and la; deftroyed; Hour, and are preferved; that as ínanj havè $, 9. We are Many wa$s trOubled, but not the Benefit, fo God may be glorified by the btnupht to any àtreme sharers ; in ftraits, bit Thanktgivingof many: not in defpair; perfecuted by Men, but not 16, For. Which catife tse faint not, forfaken of God i cafe down lows and yet up but though òúT Outt3Vard man pea held, and not deftroyed. rifh, yet the inward Man is petaewm io. Always bearing bout in the td dáß by day. A & 4 Ind flttée