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Cli.1. The SR2nts II. Corinthians, irnrrrortalglory. Ch. 5 s6. Therefore we are not tired in our La- houle which is from heaven; 3 If fo be houror Suffering; but while our Bodies fuftèr that being clothed, we íhail not be and petit!, our Souls receive daily new Sup- found naked. plies ofStrength and comfort, 2, 3. For in this Body we are under a con- .17. For our light afiflion, which fiant uneafinefs, which maketh us groan with isbut for, a moment, worketa for us earneft defire to be better clothed, even with a far more exceeding a d eternal the Incorruptible Celeftial Glory: For when weight of glory. Death unclotheth us, we 'hall not befound naked and deftitute, (or, as Come expound ir, [So be it 17. For all our Sufferings for Chrift, and webe not found as .Adam, naked in our Guilt, Bodily Afflictions, are very tolerable and light, when we enter into the future Stare). and fo 'hurt as to be*but as for one moment ; and Co gainful, that they are the Means appoin_ 4. For we that are in this taberna- red to procure no a Crown ofGlory, which is de do grone, being burdened : not weighty, and of exceeding Worth, and ever- for that we would be unclothed, but Iaiting. ' clothed upon, that mortality might 18. While we look not at the be fwaflowed up of life. things which are feen, but at the 4. For our Burdens in this Body .are Co great, as make us groan: not that we defire Deatl?, things which are not feen: for the as Death; or to be unhoufed, or without things which are feen, are temporal; Cloathing to the Soul: but we would be beta but the things which are not Teen, ter doathed with a Heavenly Glory, that that are eternal. which is Mortal may be fwallowed up by Itu- mortal Glory. 18. For we intend no worldly End, nor fix out Eyes and Mind on theft tranfitory things, e Now he that bath wrought us- which now are here teen; but on the Glory for the felf-fame thing, is God, who and Kingdomwhich is unfeen: For she things allo hath given unto us the carnele of which are ken are temporary, mutable, and the Spirit. Ry away, and therefore are not to be much re- S. And we have good Evidence for the cer- garded; hat the things which are now to us tainty of this Hope: For God himfelf; u ha .unfeen, are unchangeable and everlaf}ing Both nothing in vain, bath made and formed as hereunto: Ir is he that gave us Immortal Souls, and Faculties to prepare forabetter Life: And it is he that harp redeemed us to it, and bath promiCed it, and provided and commatsd= e:i us the Means that lead to it, and bath gi- S. VOL' we know, that if our earth- ven us by his Spirit ehofe holy Affèó} ions, De- ly houle of this tabernacle were fires, and Endeavors which are the Bumf} of diffolved, we have a buildingof God, it, and which he will not fruf}rate. an houle not made with hand, eter- nal in the heavens. CHAP. V. 6. Therefore tae are always confi- dent, knowing that whileft we are at i. For by Faith we know, that ifour Po- home in thebody, we are abfentfrom dies, which are as a Tent or tabernacle to the the Lord: 7. (tor we walk by faith, Soul, were diffolved, we have in the Heavens riot by light) a Building of God's providing for the Meltèd, not like our Honks here made by Man, but 4, 7. Therefore wego on in the Confidence Ccleftial and Everlafting. and Boldnefs, which befeem Believers, being Note. I. That Faith is a fort of Knowledge : above the Fear ofDeaths; knowing, that while Weknow whatGod faith is true, and we know We dwell here in thefe Bodies; we'are ablènt this to be his Word. from the Glory where God is fully maeifefted . That one Hai inefs will not be only to the Blefléd : For it is not things teen which a ' p y in are the Motives, Hopes, and Comfort of our the New Earth, and at the Refurre&ion; but Lives but it's things believed and unfeen. it is a Dwelling in Heavers, now exif}enr, and ; firth as fhall he everlafiing: And therefore no 8. We are confident, I fay, and hope of Chrift's Reign on Earth, mould take willing rather to be. abfent from the cows, our Hopes and Delires of Heaven. body, and to be prelent with the e, For in this we grone earneftly, Lord deíiring to be clothed upon with our 8. I lay, we are bold and comlo;tably con- hdeat