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Ch. 5. Of the II. Corinthians.. generdi yudgment. Ch. 54 fident in all bur Labours and danger of Death, x3. And ifany tell you that our Zeal is bi t and rather willingtogo from the Bodyand to crazed Melancholy,. (as Fefius thought ofPaul) be animate or prefent with the Lord. it iS in Obedience to God's Command, and for his Work and Glory,; and dale any accule this g. Wherefore we labour, that of MadneisbAnd if we be thought to do it1ò- whether prefent or abfent we lflayhe beds, it is not for our Glory, but for your sta- bility of him. d and safety: y. Whether we than yet live or die, we 14. For the love of Chrift con- leave to God; but it's our earnele deûre, care, ftraineth, us, becaufe we thus judge, and that whether we live here or die, that if one died for all, then were or whereever we are, wemay pleateGod, and all dead : 15. And that he died for all, be accepted by him. that they, which live, fhould not no. For we muff all appear before henceforth live unto themfelves, but the judgment-feat of Chrift, that unto him whichdied for them, and. every one may receive the things rote again drone in his body according to that he o baths done, whether it be good or ta, xs Ifatìy think we are too zealoufly eran(ported, let themknow,.that the greatuele bad. of Chrift's Love to us, and ours to him con- to. For we mull: all appear at the Judgment- firaineth as and will bear no cold Indifferensy: feat of Guilt, where all that we have done For we have caufe to judge, that they are great will be brought to light, and every Man ¡hall things which our Redemption intimateth, even he fentencedand rewarded according as he bath that Chrift, who died for all,..found all Men lived and done in the Body, 'whether it be dead in Sin and Mifery; and that he therefore good or evil, according to that Lawwhich par- redremed them by his Death, that they who don-the penitent Believers. are recovered by hi n thould not hereafter live to themfelves; but to him that died-for them 1 r. Knowing therefore the terrour and rote again. of the Lord, we perfuade men? but ad. Wherefore henceforth know we are made manifeit unto Gcd, and we no man after the flefh: yea, I truft altoare made manifeft in your though we have known Chrilt after confciences. the flesh, yet now henceforth know na. It is the knowledge of the Terrours of we him no more. the Lord, and howwoful it will be tobe found there unjuftified under Guilt, and fentenced to 16 Wherefore it is the great things ofSp Damnation, which caufethus to make fo much rituality and Eternity which we now look at ado in the World, to perfuade Man to believe to our Missilery and life : We value no Man and repent, that theymaybe laved : And God, On meet Carnal Advantages or Account.; yea that knowethour Heartsand Ways, will juffitie if we had beets of thole that couverft with Chrift on Earth in the Body, and had eat a us herein, and I hope fo do your convinced nd 4 onleiencies. drunk in his prefence, fuch Corporal Familiari- ty is ended, and is it not that our Faith, anal 12. For we commend not our felves Hope, and Preaching molt refpefteth, but his again unto you, but give you occafi Spiritual Kingdom, and GloroiusPretence on to glory on our behalf, that you and theMeans thereunto. may have fomewhat to anfwer them 17. Therefore if any man be in which glory in appearance, and not Chrift he is a new creature : old in heart. things are paft away, behold, all 12. I fay nor all this to get your Praile by things are become new. any felf-wndemnation, but to give you the a 7. Thereforeifanyonebe a Chriftjan indeed, Matter ofanAnfwerto them that would draw a'true Member ofChrift,he is a new Man, asir you from the Truth, by drawing you into a were new made byRegenerarion.The old Legal difefteem ofus that were your tirft Teachers, and Camal Mind and Converfationare ceafed; and by boafting of themfelves by outward ap his old Mind, and Will, and Life are changed; pearances, without an anfwerable inward his flethly and earthly Mind is become fpiritual worth. and heavenly, and all is new. 13. For whether we be betides 18. And all things are of God who our (elves, it is to God: or whether bath reconciled us to himfelf by Je we be fober5 it is for your taufe. fus Chrift, and bath given to us the miniftry of reconciliation. 18. The