Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 5. if nem Creature. II. Cori s 8. The Divine Revelation and the Divine Nature in us, now caufeth us to mind and ufe all things as they belong to God, and as they are all Of Him, andBy Him, and To Him; and overlook comparatively Carnal Intereft: andas reconciled, and brought home to God by Jefus Chrift, and placing all our Intereft and Hopes in him, who alfo bath committed to us this IWtïniftrp, to draw home theWorldinto this re- conciled State. 29. To wit that God was in thrill, reconciling the world unto himfelf, not imputing their trefpaffes unto them ; and hath commited unto us the wordof reconciliation. Iv.. To tell them, that it was God himfelf that fent Chrift to redeem usand was inChrift, reconciling the lapfed World to himfelf, by the Marine, Merits, andSacrifice ofChrift, which- Was performed by his gracious Will for that Fuld; purchafing their pardon, and notaafing them as their Sin deferved, but giving them an aft of Oblivion, on conditionof Believing Acceptance;and bathcommitted to us theMini- Rtiry, to preach this Reconciliation to the World. 27. Nów then we are ambaffa- rnthians. rrue Minifgers. Ch. 5, dours for Chriif, as though God did befeech you by us : we pray you iii Chrift's ftead, be ye reconciled to God. no. By all this they that contemn us may fee what is the Nature and Dignity ofour A- poftlefhip ; We are fent to Men from God, as ltis Ambaftàdors, to perfuade them to believe in Chrift. As though God himfelfdid befeech you by us his Me(%ngers,- we pray you in Chrift's ftead, who is the Prime and Great A. poftle from the Father, to be reconciled to God, even thankfully to accept his Grace; and to give up Heartand Life to him. 21. For he hath made him to be fin for us, who knew no fn; that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him. 21. For God harp made Chrift to be a Sa- crifice for Sin, who himfelf was finlefs; and this in our ftead, and for our Pardon andSale vation, that fo in himwe might have the Righteoufnefs which is freely given usof God, and bePartakers ofthe Divine Nature. AN-