Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Annotations on Chap. 5: ANN OTA.T ONS. I. 71WE Sadnians ftrive hard to diftort the firnpat't ofthis Chapter, as iFit fpake of noHex venly Houle till the Refurre&ion: Their haft Keafon is,1 ecaufe Éuwcibpui Op Domiciliane, is oppofed to the Body here, and therefore it muft mean the future, Body. But i. by (the Tabernacle ofoar Earthly H,afel Paul feemeth to mean both this Body and Earth together, our prefent worldly ¡late in the fleth. 2. Were it otherwife, yet their Conclufxonwould note follow: For the Heavenly Stateof Glory without a Body, may be called our Houle as contra- (Mind to this Body. 3, Nor is thisObje&ion any thing to the Old Fathers, and force prefene Divines (as Dr. More, dre.) who think that departedSouls havea pure fort of Bodies above, to us ittvifible ; either taking with them force tenacious, igneous Spirits hence, or paffing into tome Ethereal Vehicle there ; as even Mammerias thought, and others, who yetaffect, that Souls themfelves are immaterial. 2. TheirSecond Reafon is from v. 2. becaufe i. 6 t its called 'm xfaVE our Houle which isfrmt Heaven, and not rwhich it in ¡leas en] But, v oft fignifieth the Subftance, Matter, or thing ofwhich another thing is made; as we fay, force things are madefrom or of Earth, Stones Iron, Silver, ¿c.Sohere TI él éfLtpx Both neceffarily lignifie no more but that our Houfe.or Building after Death, will be Heavenly, that is, of Heavenly Subftance, Quality,and State. 3. And the Context Both confute the Perverters, For t. The firth verfe intimateth that we Alan have the Eternal Building in Heaven, witen the EarthyTabernacle is dilfolved ; for the conditional Zit intimateth the time. Verre 3. fignifieth that we shall be found naked; wine': none could fufpe.% after the Retarretion that believed it ; but the putting off the Body might make Men fear. 3. What elle can be meant, v. 6, 8. by beingabfené from the Lord while we are in the B. dy, and being abfent from the Body, and peefent with the Lord : And v. 9. by being accept- ed of him as the height ofour Ambition when we die? TL Verfe t 9. is miftaken by many, asif by I the Wrld] were meant only t the Biel? 7 becatrfe Reconciliation . and not imputing¿TrcfpajJis are mentioned : But the Text molt plainly tells us of a General Reconciliation and non-imputation to Mankind; and a particular to Believers. God did fo far reconcile and forgive the Woad, as not to deal with' them meetly on the terms of the violated Law of Innocency, but to givethem a Redeemer, and a Law ofGrace; and a Sealed Pardon ofall Sin, and free gift of Salvation by Christ, on conditionof Believing Acceptance s and that is 'commonlyPaid to begiven, which is freely by a Deed of Gift confen'd, though Ac- ceptance be implied or expreft as the Condition-of Enjoyment, and a Man may yet wilfully re- fule it or negle& it ; yea, loch Conditions are fo naturally necelfary, that they ufe not to be expreffed. Yet no man is ,A$sally (but only Conditionally) poffeft of Pardonand Reconciliation, till that Condition be performed : Yet God was forgiving them on his par,andwas not impu- tingfin and unworthinefs ofRedemption to them, when he gave them a Saviour, And yet the, work of the Ministry remained:, even to Barrent Men ro believe and accept this Pardon and Reconciliationas offered ; and it is thenaleually theirs, when theythus accept ir. To fay, that then their Faith doth mare than thrift's did, or God's Grace, is a pond Cavil. Their Faith or,Ae- «grance is no efficient caulk at all of their Pardon or Juftificarion t Ir is but a neceflary Recep- tive laalification; he that thus the Window caufeth darknefs : But i'ts fottifh to fay, that he that openeth it Both more than the Sun toesule light ; which hecaufeth not at all, but censor. eth the impediment of reception; and Faith it Pelf is God's Gift of Grace, thouglvPreaching and Pérfwafron be the means ofworking it. GH A P. VI. s jE then as workers together 1 foitb him, befeech you -aìfo that ye receive not the graceofGod in vain. a. We then wholeOffice is to fubferve Christ: for Our Salvation, befeech you that ye take care that all'the Mercy which he hath !hewed you in the Gofpel, and you profefs co have re- teived, be not in vain, and truncated by any slecèit. 2, (For he faith, I have -heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of falvation have .I fuccoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time ; behold, now is the day of fat- vation) Z. Isis. ofexceeding great momentto know your time and day ofGrace : God bath his ae. ceptcd tinse,and fpecial day ofMatey, which all fhotçld watch an_d take; as it is written, ¡have heard