Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 6. True TI. Corinthians. À- iniflers Ch g, heard the &e. And certainly this is your time in us, but ye are ftraitened in your and day ofMercy, while Mercy is fo freely and OSS bow;°ls f.11y preached toyou. t r, z. Our Mouthhath been opened to y 3. Giving no offence in any thing, in oa full Cummun:cation of the Gofpel, and our that the miniiur be not blamed y Heartsenlarged towards you, in Love and Zeal 3. 'Our care is togive no occaion of falling for your S..Ivation. If yet there be any (hair: to any, nor expose the Miniftry to blame, or nefsadddefeas in you of Knowledge and Love, to the bard thoughts of thole that mould be it is of your (elves, andyour owndeliciency. fared by it, I?. Now for a recompence in the 4. Bat in all things apfroving our Caine, (I fpeak as unto my children) felves as the 'I'M-lifters Of God, in be ye aifò enlarged. much patience, in affiicilions, in ne- 03. And Jufticerequireth, that (as Children necellities, in diftïefles, 5 . Indrapes, to á Father) your Love and Kindnefs be large . in imprifonirents, in tumults, in la- towards us, and that the Fruitsbfour Miniltry boors, in watchings, in fillings, to you be not naurow and defe4ive. 4, s Are, what an approved Milliner of 1 l Be ye not unequally yoked to- Chrüi muP endure and do, for the Ends of his gether with unbelievers : for what Miniftry, ifhe be called to it. fel',owiilip hath righteoufnefs with 6. By purenefs, by knowledge, by unrighteoufnefs ? and what cominu- long-fuifering, by kindness, by the nion Bath light with darknefs ? holy Ghoß, by loge unfeigned, 7. By 15. And what concord bath (Milt the word of truth, by the power of With Belial ? or what part ha:h he- God; by thearmour of righteoufnefs, thatbeiievethi withan infidel ? on the i 'gilt hand and en the left 14, I S. Let not Seducers, or Carnal Intereg, S. By honour and di;hónour, by evil draw you to Communion with infidels and Idolaters, as if you were inclined co their way, report and good report: or were yet indifferent in Religion. Partake 6, 7, 8. Rae, Fy howmany means the Work not exteenal:y of their Sactifce, as ifyou were of the Mioiiry is promoted, andhow we muff: of their Society : For how can filch Contraries Le qualified thereto. as Riphteoufaefs and Unrighteoufeefi, Light- S. As deceivers, and yet truC; and Darkncfs, ChriIf and Belial, a Believerand 9. As unknown, and yet well known ; an Infidel, be united, or have (peen.! Commu- uion, even Symbolical, in the things wherein as dying, and behold, we,live; as they are contrary? , c.:aftened. and not killed; Ie- As 16. Andwhat agreement bath the lòrrowful,yet alway rejoycing;as poor, temple of God with idols ? for ye are yet making many rich; as having the temple ofthe livingGod; as God nothing, andyetpoffeß-ing all things. hash Paid, I will dwell in them, and 8,9, 10. Oct Life is made up of feeming. walk in them and I will be their God, but not real Conn'adifions. As Deceivers ele and they {hall be. my people. Craft to hurt Ms n, we ilk: our wit and Skill y 1 l 1 (or Wiles) to five 16. will you Joy the Temple of God and Mcn; and yet we deliver Tern- nothing but the Herb : Cur Spirit and Spiritual Idols together? God bath macle you his m Condition s unknown ; and pyet our Out-fide ple, and peculiar People, arh pomifed !iota known to many. We daily ate expofed to the alit' to own you in Temples, as your God danger of Death, and die daily; and yet you And will you go to Idols , as ifyour we are Are. We are oft chaftened, and God had C here andCommunion wish them? yet not kìiled; we are under many Sorrows in '17. Wherefore come out from a.- the Meth, and yet we continually rejoyee in along them, and be ye feperate, faith God; we are pone, and yet God ufthus to the Lord, and touch not the unclean make many rich in Grace; we have nothing, thing and I will receive you and yet by Faith ali the World is ours, as or- n dered by God and u(cci by us for our Spiritual I °' iirid I will be a Father you Good. Love maketh all other Mens Elates and ye shall be Ions and daughters comfortable to us as our own, and God ufcth faith the Lord Almighty. all things forour good. 17, 18. Wherefore go not to the Idols I t. 0 ye Corinthians, our molttil Temples, and ft'mbolize net with them in Re- is open unto you, our hearts lien- ligian to avoid Pev(ècution but come out from among themas a holy People fegsegate to the larged. 12, Ye are not Lord, and fehle not. ) gives with :;tear an- cleaa