Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch: 6. Paul exhortetlr II. Corinthians. to flee Idolitary Ch. 6. clam things, and then God will own you as be your God, and own you and dwell in yon, his Sons and Daughters, while you are pure, on this Condition, that you keep your felves and cleave to him. pore to him, front Flefhly V iceand IdobCorn I Akee, That this Command fer the Church ntunioa; let as avoid all Defilement of the Flefh, to avoid Communion with Idolaters and Inn- by Fornication, or outward fymboliziugwith deis, is perverted by them that feign it to for- Idol acts, and ofthe Spi i_,hy entertaining the bid Communion with Chriftians and their Do:krines of Seducers, or fuffcring our Hearts Churches, if they do but differ in feine tolera- to depart fromGod. bisOpinion or Prad}ice from them, which their cenforious Ignorance will falfly call Idolatry. They call fach Differences or Defect }s Falfe Wor- fbip, and thenfry wemolt notJoyn inFa!feWor- fhip: Whereas every faulty Manner of Worfhp may be called Falfe, becaufe it is fo far diva- 2. And let not feducing Teachers turn you greeable to the Rule: And no Man -offers any from receiving the Miniftryof us by whom you Worship to God that is not Falfe : if all Faulti- were converted : We have not done by you nefs be Falfenefs. But it's no Falfe Worship as they do; we have wronged none, corraprcd that will allow us to feperare from Churches none, nor covetoufly over- reach'd or defrauded or Chriftians, farther than they feperate from any. Chrifr, and drift difownetü diem for that Faultinefs, or than they make any Sn to be 3. I (peak not this to condemn to us neceffary to any partof their Communion. you: for I have laid before, that you They were very foul Sins even in Worfhip,ihat are in our hearts to die and live with .the Criotbiaas were guilty of; and yet roue was commanded tocome out from therh, Fu. And much more are thole Papif}s dilyleafing 3. It is norcenföriou ly, or foryour reproach, toGod,who cal} ourand violently perfecutegood that I fay this ; for you are dear unto me. Chriftians, that do but avoid, as floral, Male 4. Great is my boldness of fpeech Circuml}antes or Forms which their Canons impofe as things Indiffèrent, or made Hece;lá- toward you, great is myglorying of ry nteerly by themfeives. you : I am filled with comfort, I ans Yet lair not theNaine ofa Cherflian Church exceeding joyful in all our tribulation. that will make it lawful for us to communicate 4, It is my Love that makes me; ufe fo much in Idolatry, or to commit any Sin for their Communion, or to own fuch Worlhip as we freedom of Speech ro you, ancf maketh nie know God rcje&erh : But as he pardonerh the .burl} of you, I an full of Comfort and Joy, to faulty Imperfehions of other Mens and Chaeches think of your continuance in the Faith. Worship, and of our own, fò midi we bear r. For when we were come into with our own and the Churches tolerable Fail. Macedonia, our fief) had no refs, E 2. Receive us : we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man. f fags o far as we cannot cure them. but we were troubled on every fide ° II They aremiftakenchat think is is vne y uns y r s i without mere fightings, Infidels, which the Apofi':e here t - t> > within were only or cheifly. meaneth. The Word rreuflacd fears. .Iitaied]lignihcrh here rarhre In; lined towards 5. And our Condition needed fuch Confola- them, as the Balance is by vu'aignt : And that Con: for in Macedoniaour Firth laud no re$ which l'asel cheifty pleads _againl} all along, is trom-Labo:s andTrouble; wehad Perfecution that Rev. z.& 3 called the Doftrine of 3ez,ele' and Opposition without, and Fears within. and the Mealeitans, which God hateth, which taught the Laaifulnefs of Fornication, and eat- 6. N verthele(s, God that corn_ Mg things olièrcd toIdols; and this on retrace forteth thole that are caft down corn- of greater Wifcíom and Revelation than Pawl h.d. lotted us by the comingof Titus : CHAP. VII. Aving therefore there promi fes (dearly beloved) let us -cleanfe our (elves from all filthinefs of the flefh and fpirir, perfeéling,ho- linefs in the fear of Gott. Having there frotvifes, That Ggd v 6. But God who comforted) them that are humbled, made the coming of Titus a Comfort to nue.. 7. Arid not by, his coming onely, but by - the confllatioif wherewith he was comforted' in you, when he told us your earn., defire, your Mourning, your fe venal ind toward fo that Irejoiced the more. . . y. Hot