Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Of Godly II.Oirinthíans. Sorrow. ` Ch 7. 7. Not fanatic]) for his Company and Wel- the guilt; great indignation againft theSin; tare, as for the glad Tidings which hebrought great fear of God, left he should avenge it ofyou, even ofyour earneft defireofme, your great defireafter a Reformation; great Zeala. Mrrow.for the fin which I reproved, and your gainf any Church pollution in the things of Zeal in my juft Vindication againft Accufers, God ; yea, and juft Revenge on the Offenders whichwere joy for you. by way ofPenitence, and on your felves for any degreeofguilt : fo that you have by all means 8. For though I made you lorry (hewed, that you are dear from the guile. with a letter, I donot repent, though 12. Wherefore though I wrote I did repent; for I perceive that the unto you, Idid it not for his caufe fame epiftle made you furry, though that had done the wrong, nor for it mere but for a feafon. his caufe that fuffered wrong, but a. For though, 'till I heard of the Succefs, I that our care for you in the fight of was troubledmy Ofthat tmutt trouble you: God might appear unto you. yet now I repentnot of it : for I perceive, that the Sorrow which it touted in you was but 02. And my (harp writing to you was not Mort, 'till the reproved Sinner did repent. meerlyright one Man against the Injuries of a- nother, as an Adt ofJuftice between Man and g. Now I rejoyce, not that ye Man : but it was in love to you, and care of were made lorry, but that ye forrow- your Souls, that you might not befound guilty ert to repentance :for ye were made for- before God. iyafter a godlymanner,that ye might 13. Therefore we were comforted receive damage by us in nothing. in your comfort : yea, andexçeedin;- ly the more joyed we for the joy of p. And now I rejoyce, nor in yourGrief, as Titus, becaufe his fpirit was refrefhed rech; (for Sorrow is but to prepare forJoy by I Reformation) but that your Sorrowwas Godly, by you all andwrought Repcnrance ; which is fo neceflà- 13. Therefore in there Fruits which tend to p toFotgivenefs and Salvation, that I am fa- your own comfort, I alfa am comforted ; to Fished my plain dealing with you was not to which muchisadded by the comfort that not your damage, but to your gain. had alongyou. io. For godly forrow worketh re- pentance to fa! vationnot to be repen- ted of but the furrow ofthe world worketh death. to. For godly Sorrow, as it is commanded ofGod for your owngood, fo it worketh Re- pentance and recovery from Sin, and fo the ra- ving oPthe Sinnen : But the Sorrow for Lone& and Crones, which proceedeth from the over- , much love of the World, is finful ; and as it dothbut hurt the Soul, fo cloth it the Body,and jiafteneth Death. I r. For behold, this felt-fame thing that ye furrowed after a godly fort, what carefulnefs it wrought in you, yea, what clearing ofyour felves yea, what indignation, yea, whatfear yea, what vehement delire, yea, what Zeal, yeawhat revenge ! in all things 'ye have approved your felves to be clear in this matter. 1 r. Ofthisyou have nowçxperience in your felves; for your godly Sorrow 'for theScandals that role among you,bath wrought great Care- fulnefsto fearchout the Cafe, and to reform it; .great care to clear your felves frompartaking in 14. For ifI have boafted any thing to him of you, I am not afhamed; but as we fpake all things to you in truth, even fo our boafting which I made before Titus is found a truth. 14. For you have confirmed to him all the good which I boaftingly fpake ofyou ; fo that I have no caufe to be afhamed of it: But as I fpake truly toyau, fo I did of you. I.. And his inward alfeftion is inure abundant toward you, whil'fc he remembreth the obedience of you all, howwith fear and trembling you received him. 1$. And he is greatly affede4 towards you, by finding you fo obedient, and how you re- ceived hita and his Meffage with a carefulfear ofGod's difpleafure, and the guilt of Sin. 16. I rejoycetherefore that I have confidence in you in all things. 16. My expedration therefore ofyour O- bedience, difperfing my fear of you, and in- treeing my confidence of your ftability, dolt increafe my Joy. CHAP-