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Ch. 8. P comrr<endeth II.Corintll ans. the milling. of 7itus.t h. 8. 14. But an equality that now at this cently and blanmeiefly in the fight ofMen, as time your abundance may be a'apply well as faithfully in the fight of God. for want, that their abundance alto 22. And we have fent with them may be a j,ppty for your want, that our brother, whom we have often- there may b equality. times proved diligent in many things, ts, 14. Not that I would lay more on you but now muchmore diligelt,upon the than your Proportion,. to eafè others: but that great confidence which I have in you. now you abound you may fupply their want; 22. And withthem I have fent another Bra- and that when you are inwant, the abundance ther, wholeDiligence I have oft tried, butnow of others may litpply your wants. find himmuch more willing, being encouraged 15. As it is written, He that hadga- by my confidenceof your forwardnefs. thered much, had nothing over ; and 2 ? Whether any do enquire ofTi- .he that hadgathered tittle, had no lack. tus, he is mypartner,andfellow-help- t 5. In which I may allude to what is laid er concerning you or our brethren) f the rfrudítesgátharing Manna; (IL that. &c.] he enquired of, they are the me{fingers Obey God, andyou (hall not want ; and ifyou of the churches, and the glory of abound, what enjoy you of it more than they Chdfr that havebut Foodand Raiment ? God will re- duce all his Servants to an tqualiey fuitable to z3 If any.douhting of their Truftinefs en- them feverally, in the Ufe and End. quire what rhefe Brethren are, let them know, 16. But thanks be to God, which that Titus is my partner and Helper even far your Service; and the other two Brethrenare put the fame earner care into the Meffengers of the Churches (who would not heart tyf Titus for you r 7. For in- truft uutrufty Men) and an honour to the Chri- dee 117eaccepted the exhortation, but ftian Faith. beingmore forward,of his own accord 24. Wherefore{hew ye to them,and hewent unto you., before the churches, theproof ofyour 16, 17. r thank God that Titus was as for- love, and of our boafring on your be- ward to move you to this work as I; for he half did not only yield to it at my requeft, but of 24. So far therefore regard there, as to let hisown accord was forward toga to you aboutin them fee and the Churches, that Ihnt them, IS. And we bare lent with kim hear the Proofof your Love to me, and to all the brother, whole pYalfe is in the Saints, by your Liberality, and that I have r.ot gofpel, tbrougho'nt all the churches. t oafted of you in vain. 48. And with him we .fent Lake, whole Note, I. TharPnulslmportutiity forthisCol- 8ercite for the Gofpel bath made him honour leb }ion fheweth that theCafe was much a'.t.ened in si the Ch irrhes, fine in ...ids 4.c` r. they fold all and laid at (And not that onely, but who the Apoftles Feet, and had all "things common. And as Men were quickly grown morecold, fo was alto cholen of the Churches to that was nót intended fora conllant and uui- travel with Us -With this grace winch verCal Praffice,' but to fnewwith the Gift of 8S adioiiffred by us to the glory Of Tongues, the marvellous degree of holy Love the fame Lord and declaration of and Unity which the Holy Ghoft was given to your ready mind.). died:- For to continue it everywhere, would 19. And who was cMfen by the Çh;aches have dilhbled them all to do. much future good to go w us in this M¡u¡ftratian of your Cha- with Riches, when all was gone. And perhaps the Chriftians at yerrrfaiem were then in great- city to the yews, that God may have the Glory ter want by char. of this notified ofJewish and Gentile 2 We the, that everramong Chriftianseaf iy Chriftians, and of your ready Minds to fo good Duties come hardly off, (elfè Pool had eat aWork v this that no man neededall this ado) even where Gifts and Parts 20. Avoiding r are eminent. - ihi)uld blstMe us in this abundance, 3. And yet it is cofily Duties ofCharity that s i)ieh is ad'min.iftred by tuns 21 pro- mt:ít prove the truth of our Faith and Love. viding for hone ft things, not onely in which are de,d ifbarren. coure We the fight Of the Lord, but ál(0' in the ohftioatel f to avoid ein afchary ablecto)any of y g g fght ofmen. his Hearershirefelf, left they contemn or fefpect to, Os. For I took care to avoid all occall- him as a Self (seeker, may yet put on confidence, on offufpicion; that I fhoulddetain anyofthis and bebold-and"importunate in urging them to R:ge Conrribution co my.fell, or unfaithfully Charity forothe s, andÇolleé}iosts for the Ser; piifibiï?;e it; Providing that all tw done deá a ;see of rule Çhrirch and Gofiíet CHalO