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Ch. 9. Of Liberality CARP. I. II. Corinthians. to thePoo, . Cii. 9. fparingly, [hall reap allo,fparingly: and hewhich foweth bountifully, [hall reap alfobountifuIly. s. Or as touching the miniffring 6. As to the Proportion, Iwill fly but this: to the flints, it is fuperilllous All Stall reap in that meafure that they fow. for me to write to you. 2. For I Aite, That Paul's difclaiming Ju(}ification by Works, confifethwith this Do&rine, That all Know the forwardnefs of your mind,_ Men (Ball be rewarded not only according to for which I boaft of you to them of the Sincerity of their Hearts, but aIfòacc tiding Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a to the Degrees of their obedient Will and year ago: and your zeal bath provo- Works. leid very many. 7. Every man according as he par- . 1, 2. But tooli many Arguments with yon, pofeth in his heart, fo let liragive i for the Duty of relieving the needy Saints in not grudgingly, or of nece[flty; for general, or for this Contribution in particular, I fùppofe it needlefs, you being your Pelves fo God lovetha chearful giver. forward to it, that I have boated of your t a- 7, 'Let your Will command you in the pro dine l a year ago, which bath quickened the portion: Do it not grudgingly, and as urged zeal ofmany others, and con trained againfiyour Wills, but as you are truly willing : For God loveth a chearful 3. Yet have I felt the brethren, Giver, and nor the outward Deed only, which left our heading Of you íhould be in is against or without the Will. vain in this behalf ; that, as I faid, ye 8. And God u able to make all may be ready : grace abound towards you; that ye thren, left it 3 Yet to make fine, I have tent the Bre- having always all fuf$ciencv in all boafting of youefai'(.do when I come; and any things , may abound to every good work : 4. Left haply if they of Macedonia g And it Gould take off all unwillingnefs; code with me, and find you unprepar.. to confider that God is All-fufficient to give red, we (that we fay not you) Mould you by his Netting fuchAbundance, that you tae a[hamed in this faine confident Stall always have enough to furnidt you for boaffinv. Good Works, as well as to fupply your own Neceffities. 4, For I would not have them of Maçedcnie, if they come with me, by finding yosr Colle- 9. ( As it is written, He bath di- Lion unready, thick that you are unwilling, fperCed abroad ; hebath given to the. to your difhoitour and mine, that boalted of S 11`' 1e01î rie S relilalnetll Ayee, That it's lawful to ufe an honeft Gare for ever. to draw Men to their Duty, 1. By engaging y. ForGod bath prornifed in his Defcription their Reputation in it : 2. And by alluring of the Righteous, Pjal. 112. That he will ter them by juft praise. blef him that is charitable and liberal in good h Therefore I thought It neCe[fdr Works, that he mall proffer, and have fupply y frein God, for all that he requiteth ofhim, and to exhort the brethren , that they final for ever be rewarded f f tiia;' up beforehand your bounty, whereof ye had notice before, that the fame to. Now he that miniftreth feed ndlnotereadóvetonff s?rofboufaty, your food,andcmuliplycyourlî fown, and increafe the fruits Ofyour q. Therefore I fens there three Brethren, to rieb )U' ;eís) defire you that it might be ready, (you having notice of it alto heretofore) that it may ap- I O. And thi. is myBenediction and prayer year to be of willing Liberality, and not ex- for you, That God, who giveth both Seed arks forted from covetgai Mete Increafe, will (apply all your Wauts,and bierss your Fó 3 Liberality with the Increafe ofhisGifts, and chi) d iiut this Ifa,v, He which foweth fruits ofthistyout Rigiiteoufiie#sto your f lves { IvÁná you. poor his t f f or it, as or would go beforeunto you, and make which is parto£ his perfonal Righteous:efs.