Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch, lb. Paul's defence IL Corinthians. agaïnfl delfifers. Ch, t o, I I. Being enriched in every thing againft tome which think on us, as if to all bountifulnefs, which cauíèth we walked according to the flelh. through us thanksgiving to God. r, @. And having pleaded with you for the t I. Thát you may be enriched by }min pcorChriftians in 'ham, let me next fpeak for tl things, fo as ro feed your Bounty, which my felt'. Though tome among you report, that m When we dißribuce, will make man thankful y bold Speech to you is onlyby Letters, and to God. y that my Pretence is contemptible; I will bythis Letter alto oit the Meekness and Gendenefs I2, For the adminiftration of this which is according to the Command and Ex- F t ample of Chrift, in befeechiu4 you not to put IBkt'1Ce, not Onely f1tpl>liett the want n,e t0 alt that Boldnefs that elfe I mad} do a- Of the faints, but is abundant alto by gainß them that calumniare my Minifrry as many thankfgivings unto God ; Carnal and Selffeeking. 12.. For the dißrihution of your Charity 3 , For though we walk in the flefh, *ill not only füpply the Saints Neceflities, but r p tubcaule them to give thanks to God, who fen- we do no t cwar after the ñe111 ; tied, them his Mercies by the hands of Men. 3. For though we yet dwell in the Body, our Miniflry and Life are nor from Carnal 13. ( Whiles by the experiment of Principles, toCarnal Ends, nor by Carnal Means. this miniftration, they glorifie God for your profefed fubjefion unto the 4. (Forthetweapons ofour warfare gofpel ofChrift,andfor your liberaldi- are canna , but mighty through ftribution unto them,and untoall men) God, to the pulling down of ftrong holds) 13, The dißribution ofyour GIft will be 1 convincing Experiment to the YeWs, that the 4. For it is not Bribes, or Swords, or out- Gentiles arc,cgt ,erred to'a loving Union with wardViolence, but more powerfùl Arms, by them, -and are fincerely fubje4 to theÇoipel, which we bar re and cal down the Fotttefiès and that your Faith it not barren, but e cAual of Sin and Satan. and frititftil. 5 afting down imagwations,and. And,.by their prayer for you, every high thing that emdteth it Pelf 'which long after you, for the excee againft the knowledge. of God, and ding graceof God in you. bringing intocaptivity eiTery thought 14. And it will provoke them to pray for to the obedience of Ghri,c you, who greatly value you, for the abundant s It is not Mens Eßates or Podies that we Graceof God, which 11:eweth it fell by fach conquer by Fines,Imprifonments, or Captivity; 'evident Fruit. but even the Conceits, Opinions, and Imagina- tión.s of Mens Minds, the Logick of Cavillers, 15. Thanks be unto God for lais the Phitofophy of Oppol s, the Pride of 'fews tinfpeakable gift. and Goiriles, anal all their Mifapprehenfionsof 15. And as Gifts and Grace, tVstalri, á d anthe d Chrf bltan verity, and Oppoittion againft ir, ringi g their Thoughts and Minds into nod, nod, Minds, are all the unfiedcayle Gifts of iüb'e4iorr to Chriß. to himwe return our c:hid l Thanks. I ` 6. And having in a readinefs to re- C H A P. X. r, Ow Í Paul my fell befeech you, by the meeknefs and g,etrtlenefs of (Thrift, who in prefence m bate among you, but being ablent bold toward you. 2. But I ben ft-ach you that I may not be' bold when Í tiny prefent, with that tonfi- ',fiancé wherewith I think to be bold venge all dirobed ience,when your obe- dience is fulfilled, 6. And tho'we call not for fire from Heaven to revenge our felves, and gestite our Paffi- ons ; yet when the Church is felled in their O- bedience, fo that the Wheat may be feparated from the Tares, God who bath furniflted me with Authority, will not deny me Ability to in- flic4 filch Penalties as he judgeth fit fcr the Im, penitent, by delivering them to Satan. 7. Do -ye loòk on things after the outward appearance ? if any man truf to laimfelf that he i6Chrift's, let him