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Ch.t commendation II. Corinthians. ofhimfelf. Ch. I I: that we do his Work, and promote his King. 3. Pretended extraordinary Knowledge is dóm end Honour in the World. one ofSatan's Methodâto corrupt the Church. 18. For not he that commendeth 4. For if he that corneal, preach - hinlfeif is approved, but whom the eth another Jefus whomwe have not Lord commendeth preached, or if ye receive another a8. Self -commendation is uojuft Praife, (but fpirit, which ye have not received, or de çttion and lltame of Pride and Polly) But another gofpel, which ye have not God's Approbation and Praife which is our accepted, ye might well bear with zeal Haaoúr. bins. CHAP.XI. Ould toGod you couldbear with me a my fol- ly ; and indeed bear with me. 2. For am jealous over you with godly jea- leu.e : for I haveefl.out d you toone husband, that,I may prefcnt you as a çhafte virgin tó Chri&. t, n. I would you coidd bear a little with that which is like to foolifh boaltiug: Yea, you tnuft hear with tne, becaufe it is from a godly Iealoufie of Love to you, for Chrilt's fake, to whom I dishefpoufe you as chafte and peculiar zo 3 But I fear, left by any means, as the ferpent beguiled Eve through his fubtilty, Co your minds thould be corrupted from the fimplicity that is inChrift 4. It is one Chrift, ore Spirit, and one Go- fpel, that we havepreached;; and you received: Ifyour new pretended Teachc a have another Chrift, and Spirit, and Gofpel to preach, and can give better. Proof of what they fay, than I have done for the Ch ift, Spirit, and Gofpd whith I haie preached, let them thew it, and let them be born with andreceivcd. 5. For I fupiofe'I Was not a whit behind the very chiefeft .apoftles; 6. But though I be rude in fpeeclo, yet .not in knowledge; but we have been throcighly made manifeft among you in all things. s, 4. I fuppofe thatI have no way to come Mort of thof'e that are the molt eminent Apo, ftles: If my Speech be as mean and rude as they object.., fois not my Knowledge, (which is the thing that they pretend to excel in.) ßrú fare I need not tell you ofthis, who have had theProofof it in my Miniftry to your felves. 7. Have 'Icommitted'ar,'olenc la abating my feifthat you alight he ex, 3. But I fear, left by the Craft and fair Pre- alted, becaute i have- preached toyou renées Of them that tell you of a more fublitne the gofpel ofGod freely ? Degree of Knowledge, as the Serpent by Soh- 7. Is it -my offence, that forbearing the silty begui'ed Ed:é, by telling her that they oftenration ofLestonagcalled .si .1 have ihould be as God, knowing Good and Evil; \füdo fb your Minds Ihould be corrupted, while you }on-Capacity Gape' that the hcCenpuiting }!o no dhink chat they arc edítìed, by t taking that Charge,by raking anyt trla n'. .f. ota t Chrifiian Simplicity andPurity which is the true } ifdort' _$..I robbed' other churches, taking Nrn, 1: That fairPromifcs and Beginnings wages of them to der you feu s ice. 9. And may end in foul Corruptions: z. Forfaking Chrifiian Simplicity, is the Cor- soben I was prcl°.ìt l'lìtil yeti and caption of 'Minis and Churches. That is, wanted, I was chargeable tono man: a. Turning from the frnìpie Döátrine of the for that whichwas lacking tome, the .Preea,t, and things neceiiary and fure; to vain brethren which came Irr m Macedonia Curiofities, and uncertain Alfertions and Con brethied and in all -things I have tendons, on mosses òf Orchodoznefs, or of 1 1- 'higher Knowledge. 2. From the fisnp'icity of kept my lelf from being burdenlonl Wortaip, to litdicróus humane Ceremonies and unto you, and fo will I. keep myfell. Formalities. 3. From the Simplicity of Difci- ine,toTyranpÿ ad ata d Domination,d enfttaring . ,- 8, 9. I did that which had been par- :ìmteceflàrÿ Canons and Cuions impofedon the tiality and robbing, had there not been jult Churches 4.Frotn thefamiliCityof Chriftiàa hate eaufe, ç. a,;d :onvecfatiosa to frgrcgree Seth, and to Note, That i One Church ought to contcir partiality, and felt fu:oa rg worldly Craft. ' bate to tlç three ertraceofthe Gofpei. to others.. a. Thin