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Ch. 11. Paul's commendation II. Corinthians. of himfelf. Ch. 1 1 2. This is a clafe Reproof of the Corinthians, if his minifers allo be transformed as whom Paul taw fo cbvetous, or fuflficious of the nìinifters of rightedufnels; whole hint, that if he had made himfelf beholden to end í17a11 be according t0 their works. them, he had croßcd the Ends of his Mülißry. a S. Therefore it is not an incred le thing; so. As the truth of Chrift is in Men Ihould be really the Devil's Minißers, aril- me, no man Ihall fto`,, me of this bod:f . mated and taught by him to do his Work, á: ing in the regions of Achaia. gaina the Ihtereß_of Chrift, and Truth, and Godlinefs ; and yet pretend to go beyond r á. And that you may not think I am cove- Chrifl's own Apoßles in preaching Righteout- tous, or like to burden you, I fsslemnly proteft, tic's, Wifdom, and Godlinefs. That I will not in .Achaia give away this Ad- Note, Thatthe Pretences of Truth,OrthOdox- vantage of ferving you freely, knowing what neí,Righceoufisee,, FreeGrace, Peace,Unicy ;e, --c; octagon Tome among you woìíld elfe take to are no fiifiìcient Evidences of true Minißers. reproach my Miniftry. The Devil's Minißers may pretend them all, Note, If it was fo m.ecitorious in Paul to ferve asad may cry downChriß's Minifters as Carnal; them freely, what a fort of People are they a- Hereticks, Legal, Schifmaticks, &c. mong us that reproach that Mìniary that would, inßead of burdening them, give even i6. I fay again, Let no man thrniS their own Eftates to the Poor, as well äs their mea fool ; if otherwile, yet as,a fool Labours ' receive me, that I may boaft My fell II, Wherefore ? bemire I love a little. you not ? God knoweth. 12. But 16. Take it sot for folly tovindicate MYml- What I do, that I will do, that I may ni&ry :but ifyou da, yet hear me,try,andudge. Cut of'occaflonfrom themwhich de- Nora; That Paulmeaiieth, that BoaftingIsine ufaal mark of a Fool ; but it is no Folly, ,,,het t, occafion, that wherein they glory, the Intereß of God andSoulsrequire it : It wau they may be found even as WC. Ibe:ningly, not really his Folly. I I, 12. This is sane, God knowerb, becaufe 17. That which I'peak; I (Peak if i love you not ; but becaufe I know how Come Men watch for an occafion tci.accufeus ; which not after the Lord, but as it were I will cut off from them, that they may not foblifhly in thisconfidence of boafting. have an advantage to boaß on this accousit. Nbre,1'her it's very like thefeAccufersof Paid f7. That wl irh I fpeak of my fel , I'peas were fame richMen, that complied with the not as I do the Go1pel; by Infpiratioh'.3 and I Times for Ínterelt , and took no Pay of the confers that materially it bath the appeararcc. Churches, but deceived them freely, and re- of Fódy in Oßer tatio.i. promised Paui as a poor ifidigent fellow, that 7 . ,tieing that many glory after preached for Btiead. , 13. For fuch are falfe a ofttes, de- the fleth, I will glory allo. 1 ó. koc p, ye 'lifter fools gladly, Peeing yd 55w ceitful workers, transforming them- (elvesare wife. 20. For ye tuffer if a felves into the apofiles of Chrlft; man bring you into bondage, if a irïari 13. For tI+cfe falfe ApOales are deceitful devobryou, if a man rag' of yoa, if a Workers, pretending that they are Chrill's Apo- man exalt himfelf, if a man flñite you flies, and afbing as if they were fuch indeed. on the face. Nora, its no wonder then ifthere be fwarms bf falfe Minifers, pretending to be the true r 8, 19, 20. 101.1L11 early bear Willa Fool; Minißersof thrift. becaufe you are wife your feines : Só bear wi ) me, while I do thatneceflârily, which they do 14. And no marbel ; for Satan vainly. You can bear with greater Provo aei., himfelf is transformed, into an angel ans, even with them that would captivateyor of light. to Esrour and the Law , and would make. a` fq, And no marvel, when Satan ciotli bür ,Prey of ya t, and make tflesu Ives Your Lord, teach them to do as he Both, who cpupter- and Maßen, aril abuCe you: feiteth an Angel of Light, and bringeth in 21. I'peak as concerning reproach, Errour and Sin, by bo',d pretending that it àS t170ä It we had b7esi weak : f10LV^ , is Light, and extraoid.nary Knowledge and fi S'ertue. belt, wherein lower any is btìld7 ( I (peak foolifhly) T aisn bold all`. r4, Therefore itis n6 great thing