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Ch. t t. Paul's commendation IL Corinthians. of himf. lf Ch t t. 2a./ (peakof them that reproach' me ofcon- t temptable Weaknefs: Though I confers that 29 iS weak, and I am not Boafting ufually fignif eeh Folly, r will fay, that weak ? who is offended, and I burn /have as muchas they to boaft of. not ? Note, That Paul is fo cautious left anq` by his 2ç. Every Man's \Veaknefs and Sufferings Examplethould be tempted by proud Boafting, are to me as my own : The danger of theTern- that materially he calls itFolly, though formally peed and Scandalized is my pain and care for itwasnot fo in him. their prefervation. 22. Are theyHebrews ? fo am I: 3o. -If I muff needs glory, I will are they Ifraelites ? fo am I : are they glory of the things which concern the feed of Abraham ? fo am I: mine infirmities. 23. Are they minifters of Chrift ? (I 30. Ifyou will put me to boaft, it That be (peak as a fool) I ammore : in labours of that which worldly Men will turn tomy re- more abundant, in ffripes abovemea- proach; not of any Preeminence, but of my Bare, in prifons more frequent, in Sufferings. deaths oft. 3 r. The . God and Father ofour 22, 23. They boaft that they are Hebrews, Lord Jefus Chaift, which is bleffed for lfradites, ,.ibiraham's Seed, and Miuifters of evermore, knoweth that I lie not. Chrift : And am not I fo too ? Yea, though 32, In Damafcus the governour under I ha Words ouediandhfuffof d Fool, foraChrft Atetas the king, kept the city of the by Stripes, Prifons, and daily dying, than they Damafcenes with a garilon, defirous have done. to apprehend me : And through a 24. Of the Jews five times recei- window in abasket was I let down by ved I fourtyTripes fàve one. 25, the wall, and efcaped his hands. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once, i. Note, That through ail this Chapter Pats! was I Boned, thrice I fùffered fhip calls his Boafting TUy, not formally and really, wrack ; a night and a day I have but materially ce frily when e fa}fe Apo- been p ales made it his Du r 24, 25. Scourgedby the 7ews to the utmoft 2. Note, That it was no fmall Quarrel of overity, beaten by the Romani, ironed by the Brethren ( like that of B rnabaa) which put ' Rabble, thrice fhipwrack'd, a Night andaDay him upon all this Apology, (which elfe would in tome darkfom dangerous P-aflgeat Sea, (or not havefavouredof Humility:) But it was the aDungeon fo called,,as fame think.) In and enviousAocufelan of fuckJew- ifh, Heretical, falfe Apoftles, as he calleth rife 2,.. In journeying often, in perils ddinifters of Satan, who endeavoured to kb- ofwaters, in perils ofrobbers, inpe- vert the Gofpel, asad by difgracing him, to rils by mine owncountreynien, in pe- It's like to heLabours, and deßroy theChutc}i rils by the heathen, in perils in the 31i to 6e thole called nicc,ariau, Rea. 2 city, in perils in the wildernefs, in perils in the fea, inperils among falle brethren ; 27. In wearinels and pain fulnefs, in watchings often, in hunger C 11 A P. XII.' and tüirft, in failings often, in cold and nakednefs. r. j T is not expedient for me 26, 27. Nett, That the Sufferings which de- 1 doubtleff. to. glory : I will come ter Carnal Men from Religion by Shame and to vifions and revelatións srf the Fear, are theHonour of Beliedeea.' Lord. 28. Befides thole things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches. 25. Betides the things that arewithout my Body, even theCafe ofall the churches, which are any daily Cafp, r. I know that boafting is unfeemly for as humbleMinifter of Chrift : but feting it is put upon me, I proceed to a higher matter, eves Vifions and RevetationsfromGod. 2. I know a man inChrift, above- fourteen years ago ( whether in the bod)d