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Paulvlorieth II. Corinthians in of iE ions, Ch. .r. body, I cannot tell ; or whether out WI a Pain as the Scone, or at leaf} Come hitter Perfecution. of c the body, I cannot tell ; God knoweth) all. one caught up to he s. avenly the Acquaintance, arenot after dan molt a cquaintance, are not ouc of dangett the third heaven. 3. And I knew of Pride, or being too much exalted. fach a man (whether inthe body, or 3. This Spiritual Pride is fo dangerous a Sin, out of the body, I cannot tell' God that it's a Mercy to be faced from it, even by knoweth) 4. How that he was B°dilyPain. caught up into aradife and heard 4 God will hurt the Bodies; to lave the 3 P P r Sails, even ofhis deareft Children. unfpeakabie words, which it is not 5. Satan, that intendeth hurt, is oft God's, lawful for a man toutter. Inftrument to do us goad: 6. 'Bodily Pains are oft the Miéffengers oM1, tan, and yet of God- S. For this thing I befought the Lard thrice , that it might depart from me, 8. Nose, s. That it is lawful to pray for the removal of Pain. s. Yea, to be oft in Prayers for it. g. And hePaid unto me, Mygrace is fufficient for thee : for my ftrength. is made perfect in weaknefs. ? , 3, :4 I knew a Man that was affect by the Spirit ofChrift above himfelf, whoabove four - teen years ago ( whether ,Bodily, or only by mental-Excrcife and Rapture, I know not,Gcd knoweth) was caught up to that place of Glo- ry called the third Heaven, and caught upthere into Paradife, a place of Joÿs, and heard that which neither can nor mull be uttered, being unfuitableto theEarsof Mortals, and proper to Poffeffors. 5. Of filch an one will I glory : yet of my Pelf I will not glory, but in mine infirmities. s I think this Tore-rafte of the Heavenly 9. And the Answer which I had was not a Glory worthy to be gloried in : But (though I prefcut removal of the Thorn, but a Word for be the Man) I will not glory in it as my own, Patience and Trutt in God, viz,. That lain Fa- who was but palisse, and advanced to it lay vour andGrace was fuflicient for me, to fuppor; God, to whomall the Glory is due. It is my and comfort me till deliverance came ; and thae Infirmities, ordebafrng Sufferings intheWorld, lt is his way in our Weaknefs to rnanifeftnmolt which I will call my own, anduoaltof his helping Power. 6. For thou,h I would defire to 9. Molt gladly therefore will I rat. glory, I shall not be a fool ; for 1 then glory in my infirmities, that the will fay the truth: but now I for - power of Chrifl may reft upon me. bear, left any man fhould think of to. Therefore I take pleafure in ins me.above that which he feeth me to be firmities, in reproaches; in neceffities, or that he heareth of me. ' in perfecutions,in difl"reffes forChrift's fake : for when I ämweak5 then am I 6. Should I boaft of this fo great a Gift, to í}róng, tire Gloryof the Giver, it -wouldbe no Folly But I lay it by, expelling that no man judge 9, 19. It is therefore in Sufferings that twill highlier ofme thanby what himfelf !gall fee or glory, as being the occafio i cf my greater Ex- hear. perience of the Love and PowerofChrit : Yea, I even take pleaSue in abating Sufferings for 7. And left I should be exalted him, though not as painful, yet as an advan_ above meafure through the abun- tage to his Grace that ftrengthcnéth me ; (à dance of the re 'elations, there was far am I from being afhámed, of impatient of given to me a thorn in the flefh, the them. meffenger of Satan tobuffet me, left 1.1. I am become a fool in glory- I fhould be, exalted above meafure. ing, ye have compelled nie : for I 7. And left this Revelation ghould too much ought to have been commended ó lift me up, there was given tito a Thorn in the you ; for in nothing am I behind the Fikfh, a Mellinger ofSatan to put me to pain, very chiefeft Apoftles, though I bÿ. andkeep me from too mush Exaltation.. Nate, t. It L molt un ikely which Come feign tinthtug. to be thetente of thefe Words, viz,. That it was t t. I have faid all this as in the habit of 4 a 'temptation to L rf} : It's graft like it was Fool : bet it's yvu thät put it on tue py nacrai r.. _ .... g ley