Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 12 Petal promifeth IL Corinthians. to come eegesin. Ch. 1 i fit} who fhould have vindicated me and my lent abrother : didTitus make a gain Ivliniftry againft reducingAccufers. of you ? walked we not in the fame 12. Truly the funs of an apoßle fpirit? walked we not in the fame were wrought among you in all pati- '^- 44- ence, in Sgns , and wonders , and 18. Did That, orthe Brother whom I rent to mighty deeds. you, make a Gain ofyóu ? Dad we not all egret in Mind and Practice: 12.'Are not yonmy Witnefles? I appeal to 3rour (elves : Amongyou any Apoftleihip was 19. Again, think you that we ex- fully proved, by patient Sufferings, andbymi- racuious Gi:`is, and Signa, and Wonders, and Cu:e Our (elves unto you ? we 1peak torks,done by the Powerof God. before God in Chrift ; but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edit. 13. For what is it wherein ye were Eying. inferiour to other churches, except it he that l my fell was not huYClenlUm ny. Think not that I fay all this to infinuate my feltinto your eaten for any by-ends ofmy to you ? forgive me this wrong. own : I (peak it as before God in Chrift, it it 13. For what Giftsof the Spirit poured out your Edification that is my End in this and all among you what Signs and Miracles have o- things that I do concerningyou. eher Churches excelled you in ? The difference betweenyou and otherswas, that I flatted. your 20. For 1 fear, 1eß when I come I . @'urfcs, and put you to no charge : Ifthat be a Ihall not find you fuch asI would, and .Wrong, I hope you can eafrly forgive it. that] khan he found unto you fun as 54. Pehold the third time I am ye would not ; left there be debates, ready to come to you; and I will not envvings,wraths,$rifer, back-bitings, be burdenihm to ÿou: for I leek not whifperrngs, fI tumults : 2I. tours, but you : for the children And left when I come again, my God ought not to lay up for the parents, {hall humble me among you, and that but the parentsfor thechildren. I bewail many whichhave finned already, and have not repented of the t4. A third time I purpofe to corns to you. uncleannefs, and fornication, and laid- and not to burden you, but as to my Children, to give; rather than to receive. vioulnelswhi.11 they havecommitted. 1 . And I will very. gladly fpend `0.21. Fo. I fear leg whenI comeI Mall find and be f)ent for you, though the ` raoeg you there Sins which are the Charadhers I ' o offaE tiousiMinds,Debates,&c.andleftGodwill moreabundantly I love you, the leis humble me among you with grief for you, and be loved. mourning overthe Impenitent, that have been I. And I will gladly Spend my Time and guilty of thole filthy Sins, which Deceivers and Labour, and be (pent my felt, even as ro Idol-, tells have drawn them to ;pant left I be Strength and Life, for your Salastion, though forced to be unwelcome to fuck erCons. my Lore ihould be requited with NegleIh. N te, 5. Though Paul feems to contradirí himrelf in praifing the CorSuhians fo largely in 16. But be it fo, I did not burden the beginning of this Epiftle, and defcribing You : neverthelefs being crafty, I them Co i11 in the end : yet, r. It is not the caught you with guile. 17. Did I fame Perfons that he praireth and difpraifeth, make a gain of you by, any of them though ofthe fame Men. x. We muff pralle all tirar is good in Men, when we reprove whom I lent untoyou ? the evil 16, ty. but he it as Come objec4, that though Nate, 2. That thevery Chatafers of fafious I took no Money of you, I craftily caught you (educed Profeffbrs, are the Sins here named, with guile; that getting your Af}ettions, I which therefore we Should fpecially abhor: might hereafter makeadvantage of you for any t. Debates, 2, EnvyingZeal, 3.Wraths, 4. Strifes, í11f: But my Craft was but to win you to s. Backbiting;, 6. Whifperings, 7. Swellings atilt. Did I make a gain of you by any of againft each other, S. Tumults. Yet it is very them whom I feat unto you? Will you judge notable, That. notwitlrftanding all theft Cot- of contrary no my t.adice ? ruptions, and Abu(es, and filthy Scandals, Paul him neither feparateth, nor perlwadet h any to fcpa- ïr, I tarredTitus, and with i zt I rarer; but leaverh that to the Heretical, who tiled