Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. t 3. Paul thrmtneth H. Corinthiâns. obfizinate 'Inners. Ch. 13. felves, bow that Jefus Chrift is in you, except ye be reprobates? s. If you queRion rey Minif{ry , do but examine your felves, whether you be Chriftians or not: If you are, was it not by the convin- cing Power of God's Atteftation to my Mini- 1hy ? and do you queRion that which conver- ted you ? Ifnot, youareyet without a Saviour, and in your Sins : And if you denyChrift ärt you, and his Power !hewed among, you may expe& that he will deny yen. ufed to feparate theinfelves into difin& Bo- dies, for the promoting of their Opinions and Parries. CHAP. XIII. á. Hts or the third time I am coming to you: .In the mouthof two or three witnefres 1hal1 everyword be eftablifhed. T. As the Teftimony of two or three Wit- rteffes confirmeth queftioned Truth, fo my fe- ond and third Admonition warneth you, to prevent Severity. 2. I told you before, and foretel you as if I were prefent the fecond time, and being abfent, now I write to them which heretofore have fin- ned, and to all other, that if I come again Í will notfpare: 2, Though I be abfent, my Writing may pars for warning as if I were prefent,.by which I foretel you, that if I come, I will not forbear to exercife on the Impenitent the Power given the by Chrift. 3. Sinceye Peek a proof of Chrift fpeaking inme, which toyou-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you. 3. And feeingyou callfor a proofof Chrift's (peaking in me , you Shall have this farther proof (the Corporal Punifhment of the'Impe- atitent, by Miracle, or Satan's Execution ) Though Pure the Power of Chrift atteltingmy Miuiftry, bath been fo fully manifefted among you, that you Awuld have beep thereby eon- 4. For though he was crucified through weaknefi, yet he liveth by the power of God : for we alto are weak in him, but we £hall live with him by the power of God to- ward you. 4. For as Chrift in the State of Humane Weaknefs was crucified, but by Divine Power was railed, atad liveth ; fo, as we are confor- med to him in Weaknefs and Suffering, we ,dhalllhew you that we partake of thePower ofGod in our Lifeand Miuifry. 5. Examine your felves , whe- ther ye be in the faith : prove you own felves : know younot your own 6. But I trufe that ye fhall know thatwe are not reprobates. 6. And I croft that you 'fatali be convinced that we have not forfaken Chrhi,. nor fhall Sc viaoffor forfaken by him. 7. Now I pray to God that ye donoevil; not that we Ihould appear approved , but that ye thould do that which is honeft, though we be as reprobates. 7. My Prayer is, That you may be Paved from Sin and 'Sedu&ion, not fo much that you may think well ofus, but that you'may der that which is right, how ill foever you think of us. S. For wecando nothing again* the truth, but for the truth. B. For as we have no Authority or Own- million to dó any thing againft the Truth, laut ouly for it; fo wehave no deface to do other_ wife. g. For we are glad when we are weak , and ye are thong : and this alto we with, even your perfe- ¿lion. 9. For howmuch foever webevilified or a'f- fli&ed, it is our joy that you are ßrong, and that it is better with you : yea, it is your Perfe- &ion that is our defire. to. Therefore I writethere things being abfent , left being prefent t Should oie fharpnefs , according to the power which theLord hathgiven me to edification, and not to deffru- &ion. to. It is to prevent Severity when t ampre- leut, and the trouble that you and I Shall have in Penalties on you, that -I give you this Ad- monition by Letter : Rill profef ing,ThatChrift bath givenme noPower of Tyranny, oragaini- r your owngood, but only for your Edification Shot t1 I claim any other, it's not ofChrift. II. Pi-