Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. r3: Pants II. Corinthians. farewell. Ch. 11 at. Finally,brethren, farewell: Be 14. The grace of our Loud Jefus perfeet, be of good comfort, be of Chrift, and the loveof God, andthe one mind, Iive in- peace; and the communion of the holy Ghoft, l God of love and peace fhall be with with you all. Amen. y0u. I Z. 13, 14. Fa. Chriftian Love to one t t. My concluding valedi&ion is, Be mm- another. The Saintshere falute you. The high- paih together in holy Union ; Rejoice in the Chrift, the I can you, id, The Graze of Lord ; Be of one mind in Faith ánd Love, and Loveof God, and piri. though you cannot in leffee things ; Live in on of, Communion hi the Holy Spirit. . Arreen. peace, and then he that would be known to Able, Out of all this Epiftle, That though us as theGod ofLove and,Peace will be among proud tendetnefs of our Reputation be a Sin, you` yet it is a Duty to vindicate it when the Intel t2. Greet one another with an ho- left of the Gofpe! and of Souls requires it. which it did more with aci A oihi than an or, ly kif4. 15. All the faints falute you. - d;nary hiitti!ter, p V