Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

The Epiíile of St. PAUL the Apoi}1e to the GALATIANS. The INTRODUCTION. ` H E Scope of this Epiftte is to reduce the Galatians, who began ro be reduced by thofe juda. leers, that would have not only joined Motels Law to Ctriftianity, but allo would have put theYoak on the Gentile Chriftians t And it's like tome Hereticks joined with them. To which end he Iltarply ceproveth the unfteadfaftneGof theGalarians; evinceth the non,obiigation ofthat Law, and the carnality of Judaiciug, and the fpirieuálity of the. Gofpel ; and that he had his Gofpel by immediate Infpirarioa from Chrift 5 and that it is not fingular front the uthce Apoftles, nor difionant to it fell, nor to hiscondefcending Prafkicewith the yews. C H A P. I. the graceof Chrift, unto another Go. fpel pAul an Apoftle ( not of men, 6. 1marvel-that you, who voluntarily recd.- neither by man, but by Jefas ved the Truth fromme, are fo loon turned fronp Chri$, and God theFather,who rai- the Gofpel of the Grace of Chrift, to another fed him from the dead) 2. And all Do&rine contrary to this Grace, as if it were the brethren which are with me, un- The Gofpel. to the churches of Galatia: 3. Grace 7. Which is not another ; but be to you, and peace from God the there be fomè that trouble you,. and Father, and from our Lord Jefus wouldpervert the golpel of Chrift. Chrift. y. Which is far from being Chrift's Gofpel, r, n., 3. Paul an Aponte, not .of Men, nor contrary to my Preaching, as theypretend ; but it is the Dodrine of men that would trouble called by Men, but by Chrift b from Power of and would pervert the Gofpel ofChrift. andby his Revelation, atteftedby the öf God the Father, who railed him from the 8. But though we, or an angel Dead ; and all the Brethren with me : to the from heaven, preach anyother ore el Churches ofGaletie we with Grace and Peace t I Y g 1- from God the Father , and our Lord Jefus unto you, then that which we have Chrift. preached unto you, lee him be accur- Nate, That Paul mentions not [the Church of fed .9. As we laidbefore, fo fay I now Galatia], but (she Churches) ; every City that again, If any man preach any other had Chriftians (like our Corporations) having Q then a Church, not then put down to fettle one golpel unto you then that ye havere- onelyChurch called Diocefane, inflead of mist- ceived, let him be accurfed. titades. 5, 9. But I pronounce and repeat ir,IFI, yen; 4. Who gave himfelffor our fns, or an Angel from Heaven, if any Manpretend that he might deliver us from this to preach to you any-other Gofpel than that prelent evil world, according to the which we havepreached, or you received, let will of God andour Father, him ba ..anathema, renounce himas an excom- $ To municateandaccúrfed Perron. whom be glory, for ever and ever. Nate, r. That there is non otter Gofpel to be Amen. expe}ed befides that communicated to us by 4, 1 Vhobydying forot:r Sins, defigned to the Apoftles, and recorded in the Scripture. call us out of the World, anafave us from the The Dream of a more perfe& Gofpel of the Temptations, Vices, Examples, and Pra&ices Holy Ghoft, is wicked. ofwicked- worldly Men. To him be Glory .. That this Gofpel bath fuller Evidence for ever and ever. ,.amen. than ifan Angel fpake from Heaven, and is to 6. I marvelthat ye are fo loon re- be believedbefore, or againftluch amAngel 3. That it is thePeoples Duty to reje& and moved from him that called you into fortake any Teacher that would bring ancsthat .Gofpel,