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Chi. Paulf licroeth what he was G Cotkel,vr pervert this: Not as ChurchGover- sours, but as Subjedts ofChrift, that mutt be loyal to him, and fâve themfelves. xo. For do I now perfwade men, or God ? or do I leek to pleafe men ? for if I yet pleated men, I fhouldnot be the fervant of Çhrifr. to. Do I now preach the Dothrine of Men On Man's Authority, to pleafe Men; or the Word ofGod, by his Authority, to pleafe him? AM I the MetteegcrandPreacher of Man, or cf God? Which do I lave, and leek to pleafe? For if I pleafe Men as theirServant, I am none afChrift's Seryant. M. But Ì certifie you, brethren, that the golpel which was preached of me, is not after man. t i. I would have you know, that the Gofpel which I preach is not Humane, from Man, nor on Man's Authority, nor togratihe the Will, or Worldly tntereft of Man. t2. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jefus Chrilt. t z. I learned it not of any Humane Teacher, not took it on Humane Authority , bait from Chrift'sRevelation. x 3. For ye have heard of my con erfation in timepaff, in the Jews re- Iigicn , ham that beyond meafure I perfecuted the church, of God, and waked it : 14. And profited in the Jews religion, above many my equals in mine own nationbeingmore excee- dinglyzealous of the traditions ofmy fathers. 13, 14. You have heard how I formerlyun- meafitably perfecuted and wafted the Church, through excels of Zeal for the Tradition of my ;gathers, and Religion of theYews; rrc. a 5a But when it pleatedGod, who fparated me from my mothers womb, and called me by his grace, I6. To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the hea- then. is, a 6. But when it pleated God, who by his free clothing Grace decreed me to know Chrilt firth my fcif, and then preach him to the Heathens, which was a kind of feparating Me to it from the Womb, and when he called nifá hereto by his steer Grace, alatians. - before his calling Ch.'. 16, 17. Immediately I conferred not with .fiefh and blood : Neither went I up to Jerufalem, to them which were apolfles before me; hut I went into Arabia, and returned a- gain unto Damacus. 16, 17. I Raid not to confult with any mars, but prefently preached the Gofpel; nor went I up to 'Jerufalem, to learn of the Apoliles there what to preach, but, &e. 13. Then threeyears I went up to Jerufalem, to fee Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. 19. But other of the apollles law I none, lave James theLord's brother. r8. It was three years after, before I weht to 'Jerufalem, and ftay'd fifteen days With Pe- ter, &e. Nate, T. That though Luke, ,AEts 9. 26. pats Paul's coming to 'Jerufalem near his Converfion, and mentions not exptelly his three years ab- feuce, or being in .Aratia ; yet the brevity of the Hiftory proveth not the ihortoefs of the Time : And it was not time years after his go- sing from Dams:fetu, but after his Converfion. And Luke, ,AEfs 9. 23. Rich, That it was after much time that he went from Damefeus (which belonged to ,Arabia) ; fo that it's like that he f>ent the three years at ör near Damages and when he was efcaped, went pref_ntly to YerufaOiss,. C. And though it may Idem that three years had been tine enough to have Raislied the Church at 3erufalem of Paul's Convertiou, yet it teems that he Ascot that time in .Arabia and DamJets, to avoid the rage of his Countrymen at 7eufa{ere: and £o his remotenefs occalioued their diffatisfatiion. 20. Now the things which I write Unto you, behold, before God, I lie not. 21. Afterwards I came into the regions ofSyria and Cyylicia 22. And was unknown by face Unto thechiireh- es of Jtilea, which were in Chrilt: 23. But theyhad heard only, That he which perfecuted us in times pelt, now preacheth the faith which once he deffroyed. 24, And they glorified God in fee. Ñ,fe, All this Paul writeth to prove that he received not the Gofpel from the Apodles, tic any Man, but immed:ateiy fromChaift: