Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. z. Paul's courage. Galatians. Paul' cóurege. Ch. 2; not his Grace to the Dignity of Mens Perfons; therefore my Cafe depençíeth not on their Worth: ) I fay, in Conference they added no- thing to me, much lets taught me any other Gofpel than I had learned of Chrift, nor found me faulty or defel3ive in any Doftrine. CHAP. IT. I, Hen fourteen years after, I went up again to Jerufalem, with Barnabas, and took Titus with me alto, 2. And I went up by Reve- lation; and communicated unto them that gofpel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to themwhich were of reputation, left by any means I should run, or had run in vain. t, g. Fourteen years after my Converfrnn, I went again to 7erutfalern, d7c. and told them what DolfrineI preached, and with what fisc- cefs : But feverally and privately to the emi- nent Apoftles, that avoiding offence both of Yews and Gentiles, I might not fiv(iratemy La- bours tO either of them. 3. But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcifed. 4. And that'be- caufe of falle brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to fpie our liberty which we have in Chrift Jefas , that they might bring its into bondage: 7. But contrariwife, whenthey law that the gofpel of the uncircumcihon was committed unto me, as the gofer! of the circümcifon was unto Peter; 8. ( Fòr he that wrought effeaually in Peter to the Apoftlefhip of thecir- cunú ilion, the fame was mighty in me towards the Gentiles.) 9. And whe,n James, Cephas, and John, whoTeem- ed to he pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gaveto nie and Barnabas the right hands of fellowihip ; that weJhouldgo unto the heathen, and they unto the circum- cifion. 7,8,9. But they being fatisîed that I wag feat to preach to the ,Gentiles, as Peter was to the Jews ; and that God wrought powerfully in me for the Converfion of the Gentles, as he did in Peter for the Comedian ofthe Jews, , even by many Miracles ; thefè who are juftly repured Pillars, perceiving God's Grace, agreed 3, 4 And I Would not yield that Titus to take me and Barneóas for their Fe}low-labou- fltould be circumcifed, becaufè fame false Bre- revs, and that we should preach to the Hea- thren crept in to take advantage of the Liberty thetas, and they to the Yews. I ailed in compliance with the 7eus, to take occafou by it to bring us into bondage to the Neres That Dr. I- larrsr thus pataphr .1slcfiek Law, .and turn our Liberty into 1\e- it; Into what City either of us enter --- - -andfo ceffity, and to plead that Conformity to it is cengitute f arch.! angregaticns in each City, of Yews and Gentiles.] A our Duty, becaufè in Tome Degree and Cafe we' nd he, with Greases, fay, yielded to it as lawful, at the prefent, to avoid That the two\\rïtnefíes, Rea, r i. are the Bi- yielde greater hurt. fhops and Churchesof thefè two forts at Yerx- falern. If fo, Cities had then more Bithops and 5. Towhom we gave place by fob- Churches than one, jeaion, no not for an hoar ; that the Io.Onely theywould that we fhould truth of the gofpel might continue remember the, poor ; the tame which with you. I alto was forward to do. - Note, c.That an outward ait of Compliance, fo. That we- thonld make Collections "lithe which in Tome Cafes may be lawful, nrauft not Gentiles Churches for the Chrifhan Jews. be dottewhen it will LengthenChurch- Tyrants Note, That betides the extraordinary Famine; and Deceivers, who by making it neceflàry, the Jews were generally poorer than the Gan would turn Chriftian Liberty into Bondage. tics; i. Living in a poor and narrow Country; z, And having at lira fold and given their 6. But of thee, vi.ho Teemed to be Lands to the common Stock. forme (whatfoever they were, it ma.keth no matter to me : God ac- II. But when Peter was come to ceptetji no maths perl;n) for they who Antioch, I withfood him to the face, teemed to be f ömerrbat, in conference becaufe he was to be blamed. added nothing to me. rt. I withfíood hits face to façe, becaufe 6. But evé Peter,' járaës, and;'mt,whqwçre he war blamed (or, to be }pained) as difíèm- the chiefMen, 'and of lteouratian, (God riesy biing,, I2. For