Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 2. Paul'scourage. Galatians. Paul'scourage. Ch. z 12. For before that certain came in Jefus Chrift ; that we might be from James, he did eat with the Gen- juftified by the faith of Chrift, and tiles : but when they were come, he not by the works of the law : for by withdrew , and feparated himfelf, works of the law flail no flefh be jufci- fearilag them which were of the cir- Pied. cumciiion. i 3. And the other Jews it, 16. We our feives, who are Yews by diffembled lìkewife with him ; info- birth, and not the Seed of Heathen Idolaters, ouch that Barnabas an was carried yet knowing that it is not by theworks of the away with theirdiffimulation. Law, but by Faith in Chrift, that we tnuft be juftified, have become Chridians, that wemight t 2, t3. 1wwte, r. That it appeareth by this, be juftifiedby this and not by theworksof the that it was then the ordinary Ì radticeof the Law, which none are juftified by : And shall. Apoflles and ChriftiansatYeruf lem to obferve our PraS`lice now teem to intimate the contra- the Law of .Mofes, though they abfolved the ry, and gainfày our Faith Gentiles from it, z. That Peter did this to avoid the Difplea. 17. But if while we feek to be ju- fore and Cenfure of the fewiph Chriftians, in ftified by Chrift, we our fclves afro compliance with their Weaknes, which is a are found finners, is therefore Chi if lawful End. the minifter of fin God forbid. '3. That his Fault lay in letting this weigh ? down a far greater F vil on theother fide, viz 17, For if you feign us to be linnets, and the danger of bringing the Gentiles under the guilty of Gentilifin, becaufe we communicate Law of Mofes, by making it Rem necefïary., with the Uncircumcifed , you hereby would This Cafe is much like at if Come doubtful make Chrilt to be our Leader and Teacher to thing Ihould byCanon or Cuftom be impofed fin; for it is he that taught us this : And dare o. Chriftians ; and one Patty faith, roemay do you charge Chrift with Sin? ir; and another faith, rots matt do ir, or iota IS. For if I build again the things knoAnd its be they for fearofhdiifpleafng which I deft dyed, I make my Pelf a the Impofers, fèparate from the Refufèrs, and tranfgreffour. forbear Communion with them, and thereby 18. Forifwe that have preached Deliverance harden them in their Errour, and would en- from the Law, andthat it doth not juftifie us, ¡hare the reft, do now intimate the contrary by ourPra&ice, We confefs ourflves Sinners in teaching fah 1q, But when I faw that they Dofrine heretofore walked not uprightly, according to the truth of the gpfl:el, I faid unto 19. For I through the lawam dead Peter before them all, If thou being a to the law, that I might liveunto Jew liveft after the manner of Gen- God. tiles, and not as do the Jews, why ry. The Law it felf hath taught me not to compelleft thou the Gentiles to live tract it foe Juftilication, nor to live in the Bon- asdo the Jews ? dage of it, but to look for Life towards God 14. 'When I faw that this Caute was not ac- by Chrift. cording to the plain fimplicity of the Gofpel, nor 2o. I am crucified with Chrift r anfwered the endof our Preaching, but was the Neverthelefs I live j yet not I, but way co feduce the Gentiles to fstdaifm, I faid to Peter before all (becaufe the Cafe concerned Chrift liveth in me: and the life all) feeing thy own I'ra&ice before the fees which I now live in the$efh, I live by came, Iheweth that thou thinkeft not that the the faith of the Sonof God,who loved Gentilefare bound to live as the fens do after me, and gave himfelf for me. Mojs's Law, why (loft thou now feem to tell then the contrary by thy contrary Prad}ices, aà zo. As Chrift was crucified, and took away if jrsdaizdng were neceffary to diem t this Wallof Separation, and Yoke of Bondage, fo I am now a Member of his Body, theCacho- Iq, i6.'We who a e Jewsbynature, lick Church, and am dead to the Law, and it and not ¡inners of the Gentiles, know- to me But I have a better Life, by which lug that a man is not juftified by the Cluiftlivethin me, both obje Lively, astrailed, works of the law, but by the faithof now loved: and Faith ith'i in who his Spirit. And Y it is by in him, u roved me, and JefusChrift, even we have believed give hiw if for ire, that,' live. 2 I.I