Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.3.Believers are juftified. Galatians. Believers arejufied.Ch.3; 2I. I do not fruftrate the grace of ouandrehe Spirit communicated ottyour felves, God : for if righteoufnefscome by the y . , given fromGod by the unkaryof the Law or law, then Chrift is dead in vain. its Works, or bythe preaching of the Gofpel? at. I do not by returning to the Law make ¡cre, That here is a ftrong Evidence for the void all the deugn of Grace in our Redempti- matter of Fa$, That the Gift oftheSpirit, and on : Chrift is dead in vain, if Righteoufnefs the Workingof Miracles, were then things cer- muft be by our performance of the Law ofMc- tainly exigent : Elfe when Paul appealed to frs; for what needwe then any other Sacrifice theft feduced Galatians themfelves, as to Meo for fin, or to be redeemed from its Carte ? . that had the Spirit and theft Miracles among them, and that with the provoking words of I foalrjr and bewitched), how eafily would they have confuted him, and fail, They knew ofno C H A P. UT. fuck thing ? This hadbeen the likelieft way to turn them from Chriftiantty withfcorn, tomake that his F. O Foolilh Galatians, who hatli to them all.of, which, if falfe, mutt be Co known bewitched you , that you 6. Even as Abrahambelieved God, should not obey the truth , before and it.was accounted to him for righ- evidently eyes Jefus Chrift bath been teoufnefs. 7. Know ye therefore, that ? p let forth, crucified amóng they whichare of faith, the fame are you the children of Abraham. I. So great is your folly in inclining to 3u- dai m, that you teem in it as men bewitched 6, y, As it was by believing and trufting anddeprived of Reafon, to turn from Grace to Gad's Promise, that Abraham was accounted the Law fo foon,when Chrift crucified furyour righteous ; fo it fotloweth, that it is Believers deliverance hatb been fo plainly preached and that are his Seed as Heirsof the Prom u e. fet forth beforeyou. 8. And the fcripture forefeeing 2. Thisonly would I learn ofyou, that God would juftifie the heathen Received ye the Spirit by the works through faith, preached before the of the law , or by the hearing of gofpel unto Abraham, frying, In thee faith ? Ihall all Nations bebleffed. 2. to butanfwer me fromyour own Experi- 8. And the Scripture foretelling that God ence : Have you not received the Spirit your would juftifie the Heathen, ashe did s Abraham, feives ? ( Come for Miracles, or Tongues, and by Fairh,did ineffe&preach this Gofpel to him the fincere for San&ihcation :) If not, you gee then, when it's laid, I Po thee Jhall all Nations none of Chrift's í If yea, then by what means be blefled,) and therefore not theJewilh Nation didyou receive it ( Was it by the Works of the onely. Law ? (von will not fay it :) or was itby hear- 9. So theñ they which be of faith, ingthe Gofpel of Faith? Ire bleffed with faithful Abraham. 3. Areye fofoolilh ? having begun ç. So that ifthe Promife bemade to them in in the Spirit, are ye now made per- Abraham they that have the fameQpalihcati- feftby the fled ? onof Faith, mull needs be they that are blefled g. Are you fo fooliih, as having received a in him, though they keep not the Lawof Me- Spiritual Do&rive, and having received and fs, which .Abraham did not, not the Gentile feen the Gifts of the Spiritby ir, which are its Believers. Seal, that you should think it your growth or IC. For as many as are ofthe works perfe&ion to tan to the Carnal Ceremonies of ofthe law, are under the curie for it the Law, which gave you not the Spirit ? is written, Curled is every one that 4. Haveye fufFered fo many things continueth not in all things which are in vain ? if hbe yet in vain. written in the book oî the law to do 4. Will you loreall the Sufferings which you them. haveundergone? Ifyou turn to the Law, you to. For all that truft for Juftification and Life, lofe them all. J to their owndoing the worksof that Law, and 5. He therefore that minifireth to not to the free Grace of God in thrift, nnr' you the Spirit, and worketh miracles needs be turfed, and not juftified by ir: For is among you, doth be it by the works of filth, Carted is every one that catuinmeth not, ter., the law, orby the hearing of faith ? which no mandóth. I I. But