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. 3. _Relievers Galatians. arejcefiifaed. Ch. 3, is. But that rioman is Juftified by Father of the Faithful, including a Promife of the law in the fight of God, it is evi- Chrift and his Seed byFaith, was not nulledby spent for, 1 The juft Í17a11 live by Edith. the Law, which was Four hundred and thirey 12ti And the law is not offaith : but , years after ç But if Jufli,cation before was by Faith, it mutt be fó fill, and fo all true Belie- The man that loth them, thane live versjuftified, fn them. a 8. For ifthe inheritance be of the It, an. It's evident, that before God none is law, it is no more of aromife : but jaftífied by the Law: For iés laid, that The jolt I by faith pall live But the Law confidered in God gave it to Abraham by Promife. it fell, as diftina from the Promife, Both not 18. For if the Bleffing meant in that Cove give Lifeon aindition ofFaiths receiving it as naet with 1Iraham be given on condition of a veeGift, but on conditiou of doing all that keeping Mefea's Law, then comerla it rot by a freeGandeth : (Though theLaw, as fitbord free Gift, as it did to..4brabee m by that Promife; nate to the Promife, be of Faith.) But God gave it freely by Promife tolbrahata, r3. Chrift háth redeemed us from without his chat Law. the curie of the law, being made a 19. Wherefore then fervetls the curfe for us: for it is written, Cuffed law ? It was added becaufe of trano l'severy one that hangeth on a tree : n, till the feed fhould come, to t3. That Law which. curfeth us, cloth nor venom the promffe was made; and it Pine us: But fo JodiMcfcs's Law , and there- peal ordained by angels in the hand fore came Chrift to redeem us from that Curie, of a mediator. buffering asa Sacrifice for uia.cuefed Death. ra. To what ufe then was the Law given íq,. That the bleffmg of Abraham To convinceMen of Sin , and refrain them front it, and make them know the need of might come on the Gentiles through Mediating Saviour ; whom Mfis typified as a jefus.Chrif( ; that we might receive Mediator, in receiving the Law from the the promifé of the Spirit. through niftryofAngele, faith. 20. Now aMediator isnot aMedi- 14. That the Bleflingwhichwas pronounced ator of one, but God is one, to,.ibraleam as a Believer, might come on all 20. NowMediation is between two Parties ; flews and) Gentiles, who areBelievers ; andwe Of there, that God is one who made the Pro, !night through Faith receive the promifed Gift afehe Holy Ghoftr (as we have clone) mite to .Abrauara, and juftified him by Faith; and lately is not mutable, 15..Brethren, I Dien,k after theman- 21. Is the law then againft the Iles ofmen; Though it bebutaman's romues of God ? God forbid: for iovenant, yet if it be confirmed, no if there had been a lawgiven which Juan difanpulleth or addeth thereto. could have given life, verily righte- 16. Now to Abraham and his feed oufnefs (hound have been by thelaw. were the promifes made, He faith 21. And hath riais One God contradiaed hig nc,t, And to feeds, as of many ; but Ptomifes by his Law ? By no means : There. asof one, And to thy feed, which is fore he: intended not the Works of the Law Chrift. Should be our juítifying ßighteoufhefss whklk r p, 16, Even Men prefumenet to violateCo- it mutt have been, if it could have given Life venantsa And God's Promife to tlrehara was by the merüorioas keeping ofit . and fo God to him and his Seed, which immediately was Should have' overthrown his former way o£ Afear, prefiguring Chritt eminently : (though as uítthçztton. all the Carnal Seed ál:`ò (prang from /fans., fo 22. But the fcripture bath conclu- all CÈirit} )revers be included as fpcinging from ded all under fin, that theproniiuè by try. And this i fay, abet thé cove- faith of lefus Chaiß might begiven rant that was canrrmed before of to them the believe. .g2. But the Scripture tells us, That all Men mod in Chtift, the law which was are under the guilt 'of Sin, and theLaw doih four hundred and thirty years after, not juftilie Sinners that break it : Therefore cannot difannul, that it fbould make none can be juifba-d by it. Atad this it cloth, w the promifeof none,efleil' -eaciu us to look far L;f2 by a. protnifed ?7Andfo the Covenant tot,a;ahaFs as the Gltci., 2;. F3ttt