Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. Believers Galati 23. But before faith came,we were kept under the law, Milt upunto the faith which fhould afterwards be re- vealed. 23. But before the Gofpel and Chrift incar- nate came, which now as Objeths con%ituteour Faith, we fews were under the re%taint and tutorage cf the Law, to teach us to wait for Chrift, who is the Truth and Endof the Law. 24. Wherefore the law was our fehool-mafter 36bring va unto thrift, that wemight be juftified by faith. 0.4. And fo the Law tous yews was fuitcd to our Youth and Rudenefs, to keep us as aSchool- mattee in a learning and reftraincd. State, and prepare us for the Gofpel, and teach as to look tarja(ificatiou by Faith in Chrift alone. 25. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a fchcol- mal}er. zs. Bur now Chrift is fully revealed to our Faith, we are no longer under that preparatory Tutorageof .rtfirs Law. 26. For we are all the children of God by faith in Chrift Jens. 26. For now all you that are fiucereBelie- vers, are from under the Bondage of legal Icr- vi'e Tasks and Feiss, add are taken into the Family of God, as iris adopted chldren, by Cirri %, whom you belitre ire. And all of you profs you &Ives to 'Band in this Relation and (lope. 27. For as many of yeu as have been baptizad into C hril , have put on Chrift. 27. For as many of you as have Lncerely confented to the Bap*.ifnal Covenant, and fo been baptized into theFaith of Chri%, and Re- lation to him, have thereby even put him on as your Garment, and wholly given up your fèlvestohim, and fò as his Members are united ro hint: And all that arc baps ¡acct have pro- fefled this, which theSincere peiform. 28, There is Ileither ,Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female : for ye are all one in Chrift Jefus. Li. So that the difference between Jew and Groh, Bond and Face, Male and Female, ma- keth no difference in your Relatidn to (Thrift, and yourj;,f:hcanon and Salvation by hip. 29. And if ye be Chrift's, tlien are ye Abraham's feed, and heirs ,actor .d4 to the promife, P;9 AndifyeOreC.brifts, vj,ag Kßá$çm;neop' ans. are jutrfied. Ch. 4. lylbraham's Seed, in whom all Nations by Faith are blefld, then it mat needs follow, that you alto are .Atrahatia's Seed in and through Chrift, and fo are juftified as,Abrabarn was, by Faith, without the keeping oft jes'a Law. t. tHAP. IV. Ow I fay, that the heir as long as he is a child. dif- f reth nothing from a fervant,though he be lord ofall ; 2. But is under trr, tors and governout s, until the time appointedof the father. a, 2. As Heirs enjoy not their Eftates in Mi, nority, but under Guardians are ufed like Ser- vants, till Maturity 3. Even fo we, whenwe were chil- dren, were in bondage under the el,r merits of the world : 3. So the State of legal ceremonial fiototlag6 was fuited to our rude Minority. 4. But when the fulaels of the time wascome, God lent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law. 5, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoptionof Ions. 4, 5. But when God, who carrietlr on his Works from low beginnings to Perfection, faw it meet to rafe us as at Maturity, he feat his Son into theWorld, whole Humanitywas made of a Woman, made tinder the Law, which he perfebtly fulfilled, that he might redeem thole that were under the Law from its Bondageand Criee, tirar they might henceforthferve hint as Sons, not in Legal Terrour, but' iu -Love and joy. 6. And becarl e v° ore fors, God bath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Aliha, Fa- ther. 6. And as Fathers communicatetheir Nature% to their Children, ( and not oncly their Names and Inheritance ) fo God having called you in Chef% by Grace into this State of Adoption, from the Servitudeof Sin and the Laut, ltstht foaled you with his Sano};tying Spirit, where- -by in the Belief of his Fathely Love to you in Chrift, }oar new Natures are inclined .eta love and trait him, and ,depend on him, and reek to him in all your. Warts and Streight,- as Children to t it Barents. This is your Matt of _,iloptio;r. 4 faáis