Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 4. Chrif freeth as Galatians, from the law. Chap. 4. Nate, That as . dptitn is taken in two fen- 12. Brethren, I beleech you be as Ces and degrees, fo is the Gift of the Spirit. I am ; for I am ye have t. To be fo far Redeemed by Chri(t, as to be as y e are: Sr brought fromunder Sin and the Law and Curie, not injured me at all. into a State ofSonfnip and Life, by a Condi- tional Deedof Gift or Promife, that is, fo Mul will accept and not rejea the Gift ; this is a Conditional Adoption,and withthis there goeth a mrsafure ofthe SpiritsOperation, which thouid draW all, and Both draw the Elea to the brut true Faith and Repentance, by Vocation. a.. But to thofe that thus actually believe and repent, and fo receive Chrift and are united to him, is given with him the Gift andRelation of at-dual Adoption; and there have aaually the Spirit of Holinefs, Love, and Adoption, even pollèfftng them. 7. Wherefore thou art no more a fervant, but a íán ; and if a fon then an heir of God through Chrilt. 7. So that nowyou are not Slaves, or nicer Servants, ruled by conftraint of fear, and fo not under the bondageof that Law, which doth work by curling Terrour; but you are Sons, atad under a Fatherly Goverment; and if Sons, then haveyou right to the Inheritanceby Chrift. 8. Howbeit, then when ye knew not God, ye did fervice unto them whichby nature are no gods, 8. But before you were brought to the true Knowledge ofGod, youGïtitile Chaiftianswere the worft or Slaves, Carving them that are no Gods al all ; and then the Jews thought there was no hope of you, but by becoming Prole- lyres to them: AndnowChrik bath delivered both you and them. 9. But now after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turnye again to the weak and beggerly elements, whereunto ye delire again to be in bondage? g. And now you have learned the Know- ledge of God, or rather were by hi> free Mer- berry and Peace with God, though it may ex- cy known fir ft of him, and called home by pole you to Come fufrèering from the yuu . him, what should move you to encline to for- 17. They zealoufly affen you but .lake this StateofLiberty, and of Sons, tó be.- not well; yea, they would ea elude come Servants under either Jewiflh or Gentile Bondage, orthat Law whole Ceremonieswere you, that you might affeítt them, fuited to a poor and weak fort of People. 17. They folicit you with zealous Exprellions Io. Ye obferve days, and months, of Love; but it is not to do you ghod; nor and times, and years, I3. I am a !sheer roneous Zealand K;ndiaefs prohaable; Yea, n y would talc you out ofyour Spiritual Líher. fraid of yon, left I have bellowed up- ty and Grace, chat they might nitrata a Matte- en yon labour in vain. ry in your erroneous affections to them. I0, II. you keep the Jewifh Ceremonial 18. But it is good to be zealoufly 'Sabbaths, Eeafts, and Farts, as ifthat Law were obligatory to yoá: This maketh me Year lout I affe£led always in a good thing, and t have pseailed the Gofpel to lath in vain. not only when I am prefent with you. 16, Zealous 12, Brethren, rejea not my Couufel and Example, for it is for your own Interelt and Liberty that i fpeak, and not for any Gain of my hwn: Your Difleut doth not hurt me, but your felves. 13. Ye know how through infirmi- ty of the fielh, I preached the gofpel unto you at the first. 14, And my temptationwhich was in my fieth ye difpiCed nor, nor reje£ted; but recei- ved me as an angel of God, even as C arift lefus. 13, n4. You know that I was fo far from reeking any Ends of my own, when I brut preached the Gofpel to you, that it coft me fuffering iia the Flat from Perfecutors: And though by this I was rendered vile in theeyes of the World, and few will own Men in their Sufferings, yet you did not for this difpife me, or rejea niy Doarine ; yea, you received me is your would have done an Angel, or Ciarilt Ihim- felf, with Kindnefs. 15. Where is then the bleffednefs you fpake of ? for I hear you record, that if it had been poffble, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me. S. How happy did you then think Your felves in the Comfort of the Gofpel? And how is the Cafe now altered? For I teflt e for you, that your refped to mewas fe great, that you would not have thoughtyour very Eyes toodear to have given toe, had it had been needful. t6. Am I therefore become your enemy, becaufe I tell you the truth ? r6. And have I forfeited all your Love, by telling you the truth, which fpeaketh your Li-