Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 4. We are the Sons ti. Zealous Affe&ions are Goodwhen they are laid out on that which is good: But when it should becochant, and not liable to be chan- ged by Seducers, if your Teachers be but ab- lent from you, and not at hand to confute them. 19. My little children, of whomI travail in birth again, until Chrift be formed in you, 20. I delire to be prefent with you now, and to change my voice, for I ftand in doubt ofyou. rv, 20. Yon are to me as my Children, and I am again in painful care ofyour Salvation, till Ì hear thatyou are refolved Chriffiansinfince- rity. Idefire, and did purpose to come to you For Beingin fufpLion and fear of you, I would know better what to fay to you, than at this distance Ican. 2 r, 22. Tell me, ye that delire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law ? For it is written, that A- braham had two ,fòns; the one by a bond-maid, and the other by a free- woman. 2r, 22. Did you mark and underhand the Law which you hear, you would not delire to be under ir. You may read, Tnat .Abraham had two Sons, One by Hagar a Bond-ferrant, theother by Sarah his Free and Lawful Wife. 23. But he n;ho nuts of the bond- woman, was born after the flesh: but he of the free-woman ovas by pre. mile. za . rfmael was born of Hagar by ordinary carnal Generation; but¡face was born ofSarah, by God's Promife, and his power, above the ordinary courfe of Natura. 24. Which things are an allegory; for thefe are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gen- dereth to bondage, which is Agar. 24. Which are tobe allegorically undcrhood, as denoting the two Covenants; One; that of the Law, given at MountSinai, which being a Lawof Servitude and Fear is well figaificd by .Agar. 25. For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and anitvereth to ,lerufa- lein which now is, and is in bondage with her children, 25. For Hagar frgniheth iforpt Sinai in .4r4bips and prefigureth the Prefent Stale of Galatians. ofAbraham. Ch. ., yeruJálem, which is outwardly in bondage r the &mans, and inwardly re their Law. 26. But Jerufalem which is shove is free, which is the mother of its alit 26. But the Yerufalem above in Heaven, óF which true Chriftians on Earth are Heirs, and to. which they belong by Promife, Initaticn, and relative Union with Chrin, which is the Mo.. Cher of us all that are Children of Promife, (the Gofpel and Spirit coming from Heaven, and our Inheritance being there) is fully freed front all Bondage, and fe are we all initially . in out Gofpel-Liberty. 27. For it is written, Rejoyce,. thou barren that beareft not; break forth and cry, thou that travaileft not: for the defolate Mathmany more children than the which bath an Hus- band, try. For it is written, be. The Chriftiari. Church, which before Chrih's coming was but in obfeure Rudiments, and after was but as a Grain of Muftardfèed, a little Flock, Shall be. come Catholick, and be incomparablygreater thanwas the Yen ifa Church. Nate, That whereas many Expofinors take [sr: . 0m ohi,his above], oc EStpanal ,] tomean onlypkrDurchon Earth], becaufeit is caufed by Grace and Revelation from Heaven, and tend, eth to it, they caufcicfly give away a plain Text- which 'proveth the Immortality of the Soul, and its Felicity prefently upon our Death; M if Çferaf.lera alone] were but Clerufalew on Ecrtb, tangd above ;] and fo was Nlfes'a Law, and the old fer:fälrm, The Heavenly. Society containeth the Spirits of theJun made, perfe&, with the innumerable Companyof Arm gels, due, Heb. h 2. To thiswe are Joined in the Relation of Heirs. When it is Paid, That this fall come down with Chrin at judgment, it implieth, that it was with 0rft in Heaven be- fore; and he bath p.o .dïi d, than where he is there his Servants fall he alga. h. 12. 26, And that fume Expref:ens here lignifie the Church on Earth, is not agairft this for the Church onEarth is butthe lower part of that in Heaven. 23. Now we, brethren, as Vac. was, are the children of promife. R.B. We are Children by Adoption and free Gift, and of a free-given Inheiance. 29. But as then he that was bern after the fle{h; perfecuted him- tbsp tuas born after the Spirit, even Io it is (-4 s . 2k. 4'