Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.S. The liberty of Galatians: the Goftel Ch. 5. 29. As Tjhraael perfecuted Tfse, fo now the fn's andCarnal Seeddo perfecute Chriftians,rhe Spiritual Seed. 30. Neverthelefs, what faith the fcripture? Caft out the the bond- woman and her fon: for the fon of the bond-woman (hall not be heir with the fon of the free-woman. 30. But as the Scripture faith, 101( sut, 6 0.) fo the unbelieving_7ea s, thattrult to the Works cf the Law for Life, (hall not inherit the raving Privilege of the Citriftian Church. 31 So then, b.ettlren we are not children of the bold-woman, but of Law as the Condision of Life ; whereas they ought to have dial it as a Seal of the Prornifè Made to ...Abraham and his Seed, and allo to bind them fincerely to keep that Law as the Matter of their Obedience, trufting to the Pro- mife for Grace and pardon, So th,c Paul doth not fay, that the tbafi,:es that are circumcifed for other Ends, or li'racthy, or fich believing yaws as were circumcifed only to win the yews had no profit by Chrift: but only fuch as be- lieve thole that taught them, [Except you be circumcifed, and Jeep the Lazy cf Moles, you can- n.t tefàverdj 4. Chrift is become of no effeft unto you, whofoever of you are Jufti- the free. fed by the law ; ye are ,fatlen from 3t. So then we that are the Children of grace. P uracile, faved by Faith, are not under the 4What all is Chrift of to you? If you truth Bondage of the Law, but delivered from Sin to your fulfilling the Law forJuftihcation, you and Curie by Ghrifl. renounce Juftification by Grace, and fo are fal- len from Chriftianity and the Covenant of GI ace. C H A P. V. Tand fait therefore in the li- berty wherewith Chrift bath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. t. It is not a vain thing which Chrift hath purchafed for as undervalue not this Freedom, and caf[ it not away, but hold it Eft, and do not caufcleily recuit to the yoke of purer Bondage. 2. Behold, I Paul fay unto you, that if ye be circumcifed, Cheift )hall profit you nothing. 3. For I terrifie again to every man that is circumcifed, that he is a debter to do the whole law. z,3. I Paul tell ycu, That if you be circum- .cifed, as there Meu tell you rnuft be, (-Ads t 5.) that is, as it binds you to Mals's Law as the .Condition of Salvation, you renounce the De- liverance purchafed by Chrift, and fo he will be no Saviour to you: For, to be to circumcifed, ïa to bind your felves under that whole Law and Covenant of Works Naas, That as Barnifm Playlcally taken is hut Wafting, and is "not l3aptifìn in the Moral rent:, which is, a Sacramental Covenanting with iau'ift 'by that Figure; jolt , fo the Phylical At of Circrancifiot is flat C ressmcfora in the proper ,Moral tirate, but uing it as a Cooenaeuir+ Sign : And as,A3raharaufed it as aSeal of the nonlife to him as a Believer, it is inf ,belie mcralà another thin?, from that Jea by the carnal yeas, as hgnh:g another Covenant: For they tilt it as kCovenanting Sign that they v cold keepM lei's 5. For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteoufnefs by faith. 5. For the Spirit of Chfr, which if poured out on the Faithful, cauCerh them to wait in hope of that Bleffednefs, of which we are made Heirs by the Righteoufnefs of Faith. 6. For in (efus Chrift neither cir- cu fiion availeth any thing, nor un- circu;nùon, but faith, which worketh by love. 6. For in our Suite of Chriftianity, as Sub. le'lsof Chrift's Kingdom, a.\ ihall not be ac- cepted grad luftihed as circu!ncifed, or as uncir- cumcifèd, (thotgh Cirwmtiou, as binding him to the Lawof Works, may undo him :) but the Qualification neceltary to Salvation is, Faith trcr/Jngt by Love ;that is, fich an etfettual Belief ofthe future H:°av,'e'y Bleffdnefs, purehafd and premifed by Chrift, as ca:feth to to place our Trait and Hope on God's Love, and Citrift's .Merits, addpromifetoaltainit; and in the fettle hereofto love God, and that Glory, above all th's World, and our Neighbours fincerely as our felves. 7. Ye did run well; who did hin- der you, that ye lhould not obey the truth ? 7. Youbegan your Race of Chriftianity well: who bath ftopped and perverted you from the Belief and Obedience of the Truth of theGof- pel, which you then received s 8, ÿ. This perCRahon cometh not of him that caile!:h you. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. rh s s, 9