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Ch. 5. 7'he liberty of Galatians. the Gcfel Ch g. 8,9. This Judaizing was never taught you by me, that tuft preached to you, or by God: But a few corrupted Men among you, have brought all your Churches into danger of de- fedion. do. I have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be none otherwil minded : but he that troubleth you, (hall bear his judgment, whofoever he be. an. I trait God will keep the Churches from revolting: but thofè Pecfòns, whoever they be, that by Sednt }ion trouble and endan- ger you, than not crape God's Judgment, and orarJuft Rebukes and Cenfitres. And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcifon, why do I yet fu fir perfecution ? then is theoffence of the cross ceafèd. II. And as for nie, what need I Futter much, if I could conform to the Judaifm which there Men would impofe? And then how are we (till bound to take up the Cross, and firffer with and for Chrift? There Conditions, impofèd by Clarift on thofè that will reign with him, are then ceafed, and the Church is no more a per - fecuted Society. huts, That the 7etros, who took themfelves to be not onely God's peculiar, but hisonely People, and thought all others contemptible and profane, were yet far greater PerfeFiners than the Heathens, and that as in zeal for God atad his Law. And fo are the Worldly, Papal, Tyrannical Clergy at this day, who appropriate the Name of the Church to them(Ives. 12.' I would they were even cut off whichtrouble you. 12. The hurt that there Men do, who would untetsle and pervert you, is fo great, that I would they were even at offfrom the Church, If upon perihnal Admonition they repent not: and fo left to God's Judgment, who oftmaketh Satan his Executioner on filch Men's Bodies. 3. For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only isi° not li- berty for an occa+.ìón to the flesh, but by love ferve one another. 43. Chrift hath called you to a State of Freedom from Mcf,Sica! Rites, and from the Curtè: Ufe is therefore thankfully; but yet a- butè it not to any Sin, to der }rife the weak that yet fcruple the forfaking of thofe Rites, or to ferve any Carnal Loft or Intetet, as ifyou had liberty to 94. Pot all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou (halt love thy neighbonr as thy Pelf. 14. You are {till under a Law; but it is the Law of Love, which, in the Duties w:ch you owe to Man, is fulfilled, if you do but love your Neighboursas your ( cives, (fitppofing that you love your (elves with a well-guided Love.) r5. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not confirmed one of another. t 5. But ifSelfiflmefs and Eadion conquer Brotherly Love, and Jet you on hurting one another, you will Oir up chore whom youhurt to Self-defence and Revenge and make your (elves fa many Enemies, that you will be con- firmed each of other. n3. How fortith or malignant are they that preach down Lave andGeatlenefs, and preach to fair up Men to Wrath, Hatred and Hurtfcl- ticC, that they confider rat this, and lay it not tus heart with fear ? 15. This I lay then, Wa'k in the Spirit, and ye (ball not fulfil the hilt of the flesh. t6. If you fay, That without the Law there will be no refhaine of fiefhly Sins; I fay, Walk in the Spirit of Chrift, that is, by his Spiritual Law, and his Spirits fandifying incli- nations, and then you will overcome your Beln- ly Lefts, without the Carnal Rites and 6orpo- ral Penalties ofthat Law. 17. For the flesh lufteth again'I the Spirit, and theSpirit againft the flesh and thefe are contrary the one to the other ; fo that ye cannot do the things that ye would. r7. For the 'Melt and Spirit are more con- trary than the Fleftt and Msfea's Political and. Ritual Law. It is the Spirit that the Fleth luC- ctla againft; and it is the Spirit that is conea- rily inclined, and muff overcome it. Thelè contrary Inclinations keep you in flacht imper- fedion, that you cannotbe as good and blame- lefs as you would be, (and therefore Grace mud pardon you) -it. But if ye be led by the Spirits ye arenot under the law. 18. But if tine fatiteifying Spirit ofChrift be it that rulett you, theta as you are above the childifh Rites, toyou fo far are above the need of terrifying Penalties; for Love will be your powerful Princi :tie. 19, 20. Now the works of the deli are manifeft,which are thelc,Adultery, fornication, uncleannefs, lalciviou,fneis G g 3. idolatry