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Ch. 5. Love is the fulfilling Galatians. of the Law. Ch 6. idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, val h- and Goodnefs, and provoking others by proud arse, eimilations, wrath, ftrife, ie Co/tempt, or contentious Oppa;itiou See- fsrm.3. wlitiens, herefies, 21. Envyings, mur- ders, drnnkenncfs, reveilings, and fùch like: of the which I tell you be- fore; as I have alfo toll you in time pa$, that they which do Inch things, t RethYen, if a man be over fhaIl not inherit the kingdom cf God. taken in afault, ye. whith are fbiritual, reftore fìich an one in the hp, uó, 21. Perhaps you'll fey, How thallwe iit O} llieekrief5' CdeTÏri- thy t they being Works of the Fleth, againft ref, left thou allo be tempted. true Beaten, and the Spirit of God, the very t If any of you be fitr ^ucd in Faultine(s, Light of Nature and Chrift's Spirit and Spiritu connar to the bout ofhis Heart and Life, you al Word doth make them mantfeit, filch as A- y y . tltdtery, Fornication, &c. of which I have told that are indeed IPitituad and free your felves, toil, and yet tell you that fuch (hall not inherit thew h by that Meeknefs which n the Fruit of the Kingdomof God. the Spirit, in reftoring him by Repentance; and ufe not rough Severity end Contempt, 22. But the fruit of the Spirit is coufidering how uncertain you are whatTeutp love, toy, peace, long- fuffering, gen.. ration may do upon your retires. tlenefs, goodnef, faith, 23. Meek- 2. Bear ye one anothers burdens, nefs, temperance : againll fuch there and fo fulfil the -law of Chrift. IS ri0 la W, z. Let other Mens Burdens, Hurts and Dan- 12, 2.3. But the Fruits of the Spirit of Chrift gets, be to you as if they wereyour own; help in all true Chriftians (them that a c not under each other to deliverance and cafe, and not the law' of Maf -a) are Love to God and Men, add to the Load that is upon them: And by _joy in the hope of Salvation and in doing good, this you shall £ulti( the Law of Chrift, which is Peace with Confcience, and as much as in is the Law of Love. lieth with Men, Patience under Sa£ferir gs and Wrongs, Kindnefs and Gentlene(s, doing all 3. For ifa man think hiinfel[ to be the goad we can, Truftirefs and touting God, fonsething, when he is nothing, he Mcekoefs and tamenefs of Difpofit_ion, Tentpe- deCeiveth himfelf. same and Chaftíty, c. The Spirit of God giver's as a Love to all there; tò that (itch need 3. Alas: Man is a poor nothing, - unable of not penalTerreur to forcethem to it, nor Both himfeit to (}and in trial; and rite fetf-con door, the Law condemn any of there, who roughly handle tine Faulty, or contemn them, and fo think rhemfclves to be fometihing, 24, And they that are Chrifl's do but deceive themfelves, as tine Event will have crucified the defh, with the manif f}. of edoons and luffs. q.. But let every man prove his L4. and ail true Chciftianswham Chrift will own work, and then Mall he have re- .ttwn, have by hi; spirit crucified the Flefh, with ioycing in hiinfelf alone, and not in its inordinate Attu &ions and Laths, in ccnor- noti7eY. inky to the crutilied Body oftheir Lord, (though he hod no Sin) And this more effo&ual against 4. The way of Wifdom is; not to lift up Sin, (thanall the Curies of Mcfcs's Law your Gives tao Wife and Good, by (harp cen(ù- ring the Faults of others; but douely to tryand 25. Ifwe live in the Spirit, let us prove yourfelves, and your own doings, and to alfo walk in the Spirit. your ownConfciencesmay fpeak comfort to you, 25- IftheSpirit be the Principle cfour New Weak, not to Peek Honour by infitltiig over the Li£e, lei` as do the Works ofit. ls that others may exalt you. 5, ' every man Mall bear his 26. Let us not be defïrous of vain own harden. rTory, provoking one another, envy- ing one another. s. For it is not other Mens Goodnefs or Sins for wh ch Men than be rewarded or pu- eE. If you be Spiritual, thew it by avoiding Milled, but their own ; And therefore they are "rail;-glosious Boaltingof your argo Knowledge moil concerned tojudge themfelves, b,Let C AP. VI.