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Ch 5,6. Paul exhorteth to Galatians. liberality to teachers. Ch.6. 6. Let him that is taught in the word, communicate unto him that teacheth, in all good things. 6. And to your Teachers, it is the Hearers Duty to maintainthem,and communicate accord- ing to your own Ability fot their Provifion and Supply. 7. 73e not deceived; God is not mocked : for whatfoever a man fow- eth, that fhall he alto reap. 7. Letnot Men deceive themfelvesby a bar- ren Profeffion; for Gaud will not be deceived: All Men than reap as they (owed and be judg- ed according to their Works. that would draw you to conformity to the jaws, are a Carnal fort of Men, that willkeep their Worldly Reputationand Safety; and be- caufë they cannot fuffer Perfecution from the Yews themfelves, they would draw you to this Conformity with them, that may Teem to julti- fie them in their Sin, and pretend that all o- then are ignorant ofChriftian Liberty. 13. For neither they themfelves who are circumcifed keep the law ; but delire to have you circumcifed, that they may glory in your flefh. 13. For theykeep not the Law themfelves; but would keep up 'their Reputation by getting you on their fide, to ftrengthen theiriatereft 8. For he that rower) to his fief), and makeyou their Defence. fhall of the fief) reap corruption : but 14. But God forbid that I fhoulcl he that foweth in the Spirit, than öf glory, fave in the crofs of our Lord the Spirit reap life everlafting. JefusChrift,bywhom the world is cru- 8. They that Peek firft Provifion for their cified untome,and I unto the world. ownPlena, do live but for a Body that will rot in the Grave; and wherethen is the Fruit of 14. But my Glorying Shall not Bein worldly their Life? (betides the Ruine of their Soul.) Profperity, and freedom from Sufferings; but But ,they that in obedience to theSpirit do in following a Crucified Chrift in Croft -bear- live a fpirtual Life, for fpirituai Felicity, fiall mg, by whom ;the World tome is a dead con- receive everlafting Life as their Reward. teamed thing, as Chrift on the Croft teemed tg the Men of the World; and my Efteem and 9. And let us not be weary in well- Love of the World are crucified and dead itt doing: for in due feafon we (hall reap, me, fo that I can fpare its Eafe and Honours if we faint not. s1. For in Chrift Jefus neither 9. And let not us be tired wish length of circumcifion availeth any thing, nor Labour, or delay of the Reward: Harveft corn- uncircumcifion, buta new creature. etla not as loon as wehave town : When God's due feafon is come, we than certainly reap the 1 S. For in the judgment of(hrift, the Chri= the blefìkd Fruit, if fainting make us not come ftianity which is accepted to Salvation,is neither Short ofit. Circumcifioo, nor Uncircumcifron, (though Judaizing Circumcifon be now contrary to. so. As we have therefore oppor- Grace:) but it is a New Creature, by theSpirit tunity, let us do good unto all men, regenerated to God. efpecially unto them who are of the 16. And as many as walk accord l)oufhold of faith. ing to- this rule, peace be on them, to. Let us therefore according to our feveral and mercy, and upon the Ifrael of Abilities do all thegood to all Men that we God. can, but efpecially to Chriftiaus, who are the Houfhold or Church ofChrift. 16. And the Peace and Mercy ofGodwill I I, 12. Ye fee how large a letter be on all them that walk as NewCreatures, by I'have written unto you with mine the guidance of his Spirit, placing accep- table Religion in this, and not in Circumcifhor own hand. As many as delire to or Uncircumcifion. This Benedi&ion I pro- make a fair thew in the fief), they pounce on them that are the true Ifrael of God, conftrain you tobe circumcifed ; one- and will fo be accepted by him, however judg» ly left they Should filffer perlecution ed of by Man. for the trots of Chrift. 17. Erom henceforth let no man In, Ia. You fee how large a Letter your trouble me for I bear in my body own Danger hash drawn we to write. They the marks of the Lord Jefus. Csg4 17. Les