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Ch. 6. Paul'sglory ïn Galatians. tbeC Y; ofClrsf . Ch.6, 17. Let not thole that profefs themfeives Lord Jefits Chrift be with your Ipi:i:, Chrifians any more trouble see by their Emula- Amen. tinns and Calumnies, and by feducing the Churches: For I catty with rte the Marks of r g. My Fenediftion and Prayer for you any Fairhfalnefs to Chrift, even the Sufferings je, That the Grace ofour Lord Jefits Chrift may which I undergo for him; which are a better be with your Spirit, to guide, juftitie, and Evidence of his acceptance, than avoiding Per- fan&itie you; (which will fave you, when Jo- #ecutionis to my Accufera that would fèduceyou. daifm and trussing to the Works of the Law 18.. Brethren, the grace of our will fail you) ,men. The Epi(}le of Sr. PAUL th.e ppoí'r.le to the EPHESJANS. CHAP. I. . !1u1 an apoftle of Ribs Chrift, by the will of God, to the faints which are at Ephefus,and to the faithful in Chrift Jefus: 2. Grace be to you, and peace -from God our Fa- ther, and from the Lord Jefus Chrift. r, 2. Pawl an Apoftle of Jefus Christ, called and lent by his Appearance and voice to preaih his Gefpel, to which God had chouan n.e; to the Saints and faithful Chriftians at Eplefus, my lenediltion and Prayer is, That they may have _grace and Praer, Holinefs andConfblarion, from God our Father, and Chriti oar Saviour. 3. Blefied be the God and Fa- ther of our Lord Jesus Chrifc, who hatj bletl'ed us with all fpiritual hies fangs in heavenly places in Chrift 3. Thanks and Praile be given to God the rather of our Lord Jefus Chill}, who path blef- ted us with all,. piritual Ifletlings in Celefbals, wr Heavenly things which tend to Gluey, which 'Chrift data purchate, premile, prepare, and profefs for us. 4. According as he bath did-n us in l?im before- the foundaton of the world, that we fhouH be holy and Lvithcut blame before him in love : 4. As he chofe us as Members of Chrift, whom he chofe to be our Head, before the Weald was made, that we Should be holy and lainelefi, both which fummarily amtift ìn holy Love. 5. Having predeftináted us a to the adoption of children by Jefus Chrift to himíélf, according to the good pleafure of his will, 6. To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he Bath made us accepted in the beloved: s, 6. Having predeftinated us to become his adopted Children tohim inand by JefasChrift of his own free and good Will, that fo his Grace, wherein he harp made its accepted in his beloved Son might have the Piaiie aid Glory. ntte, I. That the Elediou is fern before the Foundation of the World. 2 That it is one Decree or Eledticn of God by which he chuieth Chrift to be our Head, and us to be his Mem- bers. 3. It is one and the fame Ele_tion by which God halt chufen its to the praife and glory of his Grace, to be laved; asd tote holy and blamelefs in Love. On God's part it is by one Aft, and on osr part it is to one !Late of Bteflédnefs, (,is Generation makcth one Man) though as objetively that the have :many Parts, it may accordingly be named Many, and diftin- guiIlted. And the Efíhutiais are given at once, though the Intregrals and Augmentation he af- fer given by degrees. a. That Love is the furo of that Holinefs and llameleMels to whim we are predefivatcd. S. That we are nor cnaly Predeftinated to Life on condition of Nolinefa but arc Predestinated to Lloiiaefi it feif, and confequently, to Faith and Repentance, and not onely on condition that we.believeand re. pent: And fò MleStion is of Individual Perfon', to Faith, H lint*, and Salvation, and not onely of Believers to Salvation, or ofPerlons to bela- yed if they believe. Aì Conditional puts no- thing into being or act. were the Scripture dark in the Point of God's LeeEleZingof fomp to Faith and Repentance, more than others of equal Guilt anti Pravity, Eaperiencemight fully taristie us of t. 7, 8. La