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Ch. r. Adottiontle true Epheians. fountain effalvntiov. Cí1. r. 7; S. In whom we bave redempti- his Church, and bring him much Praifc and on through his blood, the forgivenefs Glory by our Service. of fins, according to the riches of his 13. In whom ye alto trufiecf after grace ; wherein he bath abounded to- ward ris in all wildem and prudence. 7, 8. In whom we have deliverance by Re- demption through the S- crifice of his Blood for our Sins, even the Forgivenefs of all our Sins, "which manifefieth the Riches of his Grace and Bounty, fromwhich this Gift pro- ceedeth : in which he abounded towards us in the exercife of that wonderful Divine W'ilden and Prudence in the way of our Salvation by Chrift, which to fearch and know, is the great- eft Wifdom and Prudence of Man. 9. Having made known unto us the myftery of his will according to his good pleafure , which he bath purpofed in hinifelf 9. Having now opened to us the My fiery of his own Will and good Pleafure, which he purpofed in himfèli, but was little known by Yews ohGentiles. no. That in the difpenfationofthe fulnets of times he might gather to- gether in one all things in Chrift, both Which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him. so. That when he law the fit time fully come , lie might gather into One Univerfal Church, United to Chrift theHead, as hisKing- dom and Body, both Yews and Gentiïa.r, yea, Angels and Men, the departed Souls and thole nn Earth, tobe One, I fay, in him their Head and King. Note, Thole that confine this to yews and Ge,uiles, yea, and rhofe that exclude Angels, force the Text without proof. For tho'Angels finned not, Chrift maygather as into one hea- venly Society with them, and make us like them, himfelf being the Head. I f. In whom alto we have obtained an inheritance, being predefl'inated according to the purpof of him , who worketh all things after the counfel of his own will : r t. In whom allowehave our Lot of Inhe- ritance, being thereto predeftinated by God, who called) whom he pleafeth, and worketh all things according to his own Counfel, Wif= dam, andWill. 12. That we fhouldbe to thepraife of his glory , who firft trusted in Chrift. t a. That we whoWere heftcalled, and made Believers in Chrift, ;night be the Ei4 fruits of that ye heard theword of truth, the gofpel of your falvation : Inwhom al -- fo after that ye b_lieved, ye were feat ed .with that holy fpirit of promife. r 3. -1n whom you truffed,whenyou had heard the true Gofhel of your Salvation ; and in and by Chrift, after you believed, you received the great Gift of thepromifed Spirit, which is God's Seal upon you, and the Seal of the Truth of lots Promife to you. 14. Which is the earneft of our in- heritance, until the redemption of the purchafd poffeifron, unto the praife cf his glory. 14, Which Spirit is given us by God as the alcetraining Earneft of our Inheritance, to fit Lit for, and aßure as of our attaining the Poffef - on of that which Chrift loath ptrrchafed for thaîe whomhe had redeemed to be his peculiar People. 15. Wherefore I alto, after I heard ofyour faith in the Lord Jefus, and love untoall the faints, 16. Ceafe not to give thanks for you, making men- tion of you in my prayers ; r5, rG. Hearing of the continuance and it create of your Faith, and your Love to all the Saints, (andnot only to rhofe that conform to your Minds in frall or indifferent things) dó conftantly give thanks to God for your Stabi-' lity, and daily pray for you. 17. That the God of our Lord Je- fus Chrift, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wit-dom.' and revelation, in the knowledge of him : t 7. That he that is the God ofourLord Je- fus as Man, who Pent him, and raifed him from the dead, and glorified-him, would give you yet more oftheSpiritof W iflomand Revelation, that you may know yet more of the Myftery of his Love in our Redemption by Chrift. I S. Theeyesofyour underftanding being enlightened ; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and whatthe riches of the glory of his in- heritance in the faints, 18. That your Mindsbeing yet more illumi- gatcd,yon may fuller and cleailier know to what. glorious Hopes Ire hash called us, and what Treafures ofGlory hebath promifed tohis Saints, in whom be will be glorified for ever. 4. And