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0h. a. arilPs exaltation. Ephefans. What we are by nature. Ch. 2. f 9.. And what i2 theexceeding great- God that was glorified in the Miracles and Re- nef5 of his power to us -ward who he- furreiion of Chrift, is engaged for, and glari- lieve, according to the working of his fled on thechurch : And this Glory wetl all fee the fuhiels Of rime, rho' now the Church (as ;n iighty power i 20. Which he Chrift on the Crofs, or in the Grave) teem a for- wrought in Chrift whenheraif d him. taken, fhatrered, defolate thing. from thedead, and let him at his own 4 It is no wonder that Chrift taketh what is Fight hand in the heavenlyplaces. done to his' Church and Members as done to s9; 2o: And how wonderfully God bath hitnfelf, and will judgeMenaccordingly. manffefted his power in us chat believe, in e - 5. The great Service that Chrift requireth of ring us the Spit it of Miracles, Tongues, Pro- usintte World, is to conreibuceou: urineRIá- phecy, &s. and the Spiritof Illumination, Faith, boor and help for rite Church t he hitnelf Hope, Love, Toy,Patience, to go on in Labour needing nothing that we can do. and Suffering for Chrift, fi,irabl'e to the Power which he !hewed in railing Chrift front death, and advancinghim to theheavenly Glory,wltere C H A P. II. he is Lord ofall. r. Nd you bath he quickened, 21. Far aboveall principality, and who were dead in trefpafles rower, and might, asiddominion, and and !Ins. every name that' is named, not only I. And you who are Members of thisChurch to this world, but alto in that which is hash he revived and quickened by his morti- to come :: fying and fandifying Grace, andby abfolving 2r. Far above all the Princes, Stares, and youfrom the Guilt of Death, who were in and Pourers on Earth, the greateft Conqueroursor by your Sin as dead to fpiritual fàving Good, Monarchs, whether tholh that peifecuted him and liable by Guilt to everlafting Death : your and us, or any other, even chofe above us in State ofSin wasfuck a State of Death, the World that weare-going to, Angels, or any 2. Wherein in time pa$,ye walked fort of Spirits. according to the courteof this world 22. And bath put all things under according to the prince of the power his feet, and gave him to be the head of the air, the fpirit that nowworketh over all things to the church. in the children of difobedience. 22. And bath given hint power over all z. In this Sin youlived in your former Gen. ratings, andmade him Head of the Church, anti tile State, according to the Temptations and lord over all things, for his Churches good. Will of Satan, who is by God's permiflon the and theEnds of Redemption, Prince of the Power of the Air, andby hisTem- 23. Which is his body, the fulnefS Ptations worketh in the unperfwadable IJnbe- af 121111 that f ileth all in all. lievers and Ungodly, againft God's Grace and 23. Which Church is his Body Myflical, the their Salvation. Celeftial, Political Society, united to and under him, in which he attaiucth fully the Ends of his Redemption, and inwhom, as glorified with him, he is efthibively a furl and perfedtSaviour, in whom he will delight, and lieglorified : and God, that is ail in all things, fully manifefteth his Love and Glory. iota, I. That theText diftinguifrech Ctrift's Relation to his Church, and to all things elfe. l:Ie is Heed to the cherub by vital influx, as his Body. He is over all d ings, force as Utenils for the Church, and fume as conquetedRebels, or Enemies. z. How little reafon 'the Church bath to fear malicious Principalities or Powers,or grearNames, or Devils, ahy further than we fear our felves, But God who is rich in mercy, left we yield to Sin by their Temptations; fee- 4 tug they are all in the power of Chrift, and for his great love wherewith he loved under his feet. And therefore our finful fear us, 5. Even when we were dead in dodo plainly prove our Unbelief, in thatdegree ties, bath quickened us together with that it prevaileth' Ghr11 b grace ye art faved 3. As the fame Love, fo the famePower of Y g Y 6, And 3. Among whom allo we all had our converfation in times paff, in the lulls ofour fleíh, fulfilling the defines, of the fiefh and of the minci : and were by nature the children ofwrath, even as others. 3. And weour felves were formerly fuch as they, and lived among them in fleIlúy.Lefs, fulfilling the Delires ofour FIefh, and our own Thoughts and falle Reafening, andwere by na- tural corruption(trot only as children of .Adem, but allo the Progeny of Heathens) the Heirs of God's wrath, obliged to punithmenc by his Ja- ftice, as outer men, and efpecially Heathens be.