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Ch. 2. The hidden Epliefians, anyficry. Ch. 3; preached, and oftitreth Grace andPeace both to files and'Prophets being the Meflèngers of new Gentiles andYews.. Divine Revelation, are his feccn Lary Foundat._ Ió. For through him we both have °n, byan Authority andQualification proper to them, and not extending to hilltops or their an accefs by one Spirit unto the Fa- Councils, who come after them. 4. Note the they. great Dignity of the Church, as re(ùitting from I 8. For through his Merits, Intercef.son,and this Foundation Chrift and the Reconciliation .Covenant, all Believers, yews and Gentiles, are wrought by him. 5 . That they would deltroy made the Children of Gtd, and are leafed by this Unity and Superftruttion , fight against his Spirit of Adoption, which is an Iiltereeflòr C trift, and would deltroy the Church. ; which within us, by whom we have acceCs to God. is moft notably done by Jetting at a falfe Head s9. Now therefore ye are no more or Foundation, or making fill-6 incapable canners and {Greiffrie: s, but fellow- Terms of Union, by the praìtmpruous Canons u fi atad Laws of Ufurpers. 6. That though this Citizens with the faints, and of the Church have no uniting Head but Chti(t,yerft Itoufhold of God ; muff be compati, as the Membersof hisBody, sa. Andnow this Reconciliation being made and hiveone Faith, Hope, Baptifìn, and Spirit by Chtift, you Gentiles are ,00longer Strangers of Love, and abhor Divifion as Deftr.edjon. and Foreigners to the Church or peculiar People of God, but' are free Denizens, Burgefies, or enfranchised Citizens with the leftof the holy C H A P. III. Society, even Membersof the Holy Catholick d 10r this ca7fe, I Paul, the pri- Chutch, of Adopted ones,which is as theHouf- hold ofGod boner of jefits Chrift for ycu 2n.. And are built upon the foun- Gen lies. f. Having thole great Encouragements, dation of the apoftles and prophets, Passl cvën glory that I anti Chrift's Prifoser for Jefas Chrift hinìfelf being the chief the Gentiles fake, even for prezching the Gofpel Coiner- one ; for their Convection and Salvation. so. And I may liken you not only to the Nme, That at once Paw/was the Yews PriCaner, Houfhold, but to the Houfè ofGod, at which as his Acculais and Profecutor, s and the Hea- p uate a living part, built on the Co&rime of thenRomans Prifoner,as his Judges ; andCbriit's the Apo(iies and Prophets, qualified by the Holy Prfoner, both finally, as fittibring for his fake, G atilt, and authorized by Chrift to call and and obligatorily, as commiffioned for a perfecu- gather fats Catholick Church, and (ò may (è_ redWork; and the Gentiles Prifoner.finally, as condarily be called its Foundation, Chrift him- 2. for fits Labours for their Salvation. fetf being tite primary Foundation, or chief If ye have heard of the dlfì7Bt1- Corner-gone. ration of the grace of God, which is 21. In whom all the building fitly given me toyou-warsl: el. How that framed together, groweth unto an by revelation he made known unto holy temple in the Lord. me the myftery, (as I wrote afore in 21, In whom, as the Headof Union, all the fewwords, Church of God being cotnpaA into are holy 2, 3- Fort fhppole you have heard now, for Society, as it wren, of living Stones, la bgitr, your good, God hash comrniffioued me to dc- rífeth and growethup tohe an holy Temple to dare and diCpence to you the Gofpel of Grace, the Lord, increafing to its Pcrfeótion. and Gifts of the Spirit, and by Revelation from Heaven by thetioice or Chrift,ancl inwardly by his Spirir, made known to the the Myftery of Maús Redemption, and the Calling of the Gentiles, as I wrote briefly before. 4, 5. Whereby whenye read ye may underftand my knowledge in the my- fiery of Chrift) which in other ages was not made known unto the bons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apoftles and pr; phets by the Spirit: 6. That the Gentiles Mould. be fellow-heirs, and of the fame body, and partakers of his promife inChrift by the ;ofpel 22. In whom v u alb are builded together for an habitation of Cod through the Spirit. 22. And as God called the Temple at yew- piers), his Dinellino, fb by the Spirit of Chrift, you a11ò, with all the rest of the Faithful, are bit& up as a holy Temple, in which, by the fameSpitit, God will dwell, Rote, That, t. The Catholick Church is not only that which was once by the Policyof Em- pernetaandBifhops called Catholick, as Natio- nal, being its that Empireonely, and under its Law; hut as it containeth all Chriftians in the t4'osld. z. That it is Headed only by Chrift, the Centre of its Unity. 3, That infpired Apo 4, S, 6 _In,