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Ch. 3. The hidden Epheffans., eery. Ch. 3. 4, S, 6. Inwhich youmay read my Explicati- on of this Myftery, and perceive that Chrift bath acquainted me with it, which in former Ages was not openly and clearly made known to Men, as it is now by the Spirit revealedro theholy Apoftles and Prophets who preach the Gofpel ; even that Chrift would calland take in the Gentiles into the Carholick Church and Covenant, as his peculiar People, and make them Partakers of his Promife and Gift' of Life in Chrift, by the Gofpel preached to them. 7. Whereof I was made a minifter according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the eifeaual working of hispower. 7. Of whichGofpel l was made a Minifer, to difpence it according to that meafure of the Giftof the Spirit byGrace given to me, which wroughteffe8}ually in me, and by me, by Do- étriite and Miracles to convert theGentiles. 8. Unto me, who am lefs then the leaft of all faints is this gracegiven, that I should preach among the Gen- tiles theunfearchable richesof Chrift; S. To me, who am by my former Perfecution of the Church the lowest or molt unworthy of all Saints, in this Favour and Honour freely vouchfsfed, that 1 Should pteach to the Gentiles the unfearchable Riches ofChriE. 9. And to make all men fee,' what it the fellowship of the myftery, which from the beginning of the world, hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jefus Chrift. 9, And to notifie to all Men the Communi- cation and Communion of this Myfterious Grace, which from the very Creation was fe- cretly included (as aTree in the Seed) in God's making the wholeWorld by Jefus Chrift,even that hewould redeem and new make as all by him. so. To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in hea- venlyplaces, might be known by the church the manifold wildom of God. i t. According to the eternal ppurpofe which he purpofed in Chrift Jefus our Lord: to, r r. That now in this Colle6tion of the Univerfal Church in Chrift, as in a Glafs,or as in the clear Effefts, the very Spirituel Principa- lities and Powers above bs in the Heavens might(he more ofGod's eternal Counfel open- ed, and manifold Wifdom difplayed, thanthey knew before. Note, I. That Superiour Spirits are Piincipa- (icles and,Powers, either over Political Societies there, or as Rulers overus here below, asGuar- dians; See 1,f1, 5. 14. Food. 23. 20, 23. ,r 32. 34. Numb, 2o. 16. Gen. 24.7, 4". Pj4l.34. 7. Dan, ro. t3,&Tr. Its like it's both. z. That even Superiour Powersare notOmni- fcient, but may by new Means have a new in- creafed Knowledge; and therefore Saints is Heaven ate not more knowing. 3. That it is in Heaven that the great ends of God, in Redeeming and Gathering his Church, are attained. 12. In whom we have boldnefs and access with confidence by the faith of him. to. In whom weall that truth in him, may come with boldnefs, and confident hope of acceptance to God. . 13. Wherefore I defire that ye faint not at my tribulatiOns for you, which is your glory. I3. Wherefore, i befeech you, be not diG couraged by my Sufferings for preaching is you for it is your Honour ro have the Minif sy of your Salvation thus atrefted by me. 14, 15. For this caufe I bow my kneesunto the Father ofour LordJe- fus Chrift, of whom the whole fami- ly in heaven and earth is named, 16. That he would grant you accor- ding to the riches of his glory, to be ftrengthenedwith might by his Spi- rit in the inner man ; 04, 15, 16. For this end I beg of God the Fathcr ofour Lord Jefus Cbrilt, of whom all the bleffed Society inHeaven and Earth is na- med hie Family. (or of which Chrift 'Ian's and Gentilesare named Cnriflians) That of hisabun- dant Grace, in which he will be glorified, he will by his Spirit fortifie your Souk. lres, 1. It is uncertain whether .0 of whom] relate to that Father, or to Chrift. 2. -Though Paul fpeak fpecially of theco. tholick Church of yews and Gentiles, there's no reafon to exclude the glorified Souls, no, nor the Angels, from being a part of God's Fami- ly, united in and under Chrift. I ThatChrift may dwell inyour hearts by faith ; that ye being root- ed andgrounded in love, 18. May be able to comprehend with all faints, what is thebreadth, and length, and depth, andheight; 19. And to know the love of Chrift , which paffeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulnefs ofGod. A7,i$,rYs.4Z