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Ch q` Paul exhorted) Epheffans. them to unity. Ch. g,, 17, i8, 19. That Chriftmay by thecon[tant exercife of your Faith upon him, even dwell mbje6tively in your hears, ( as one Friend by Love and Trutt dots in atothers) and effe- étively puffed and a`tnate you by his Spirit; that by his S,,irit and your Faith, you may be G deeply poflèft with the feule of God's Love, that you may be filled with Love to him and one another, and it may be the very habit of sour Souls, and a rooted Nature inyou; that fo being qualified by this Faith and Love, you may be able and tit to meaGtre and urderßtand, as all Saints in their fèveral degrees do, the val.} and wonderful Dimenficns, and to know the Love of Chrift, and of the Father in him, which exceedeth our comprehenlive and ade- quate Knowledge, (or which is more excellent than all the Sciences which Heathens and Here- nicks boat} of;) that fo by Faith ánd Love your Souls may be filled with the higheft de- grees of Grace, and the Spirit of God. zo, 21. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we askor think; according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Chrift jo fats, throughout all ages, world with- out end. Amen. Co, 2 r. Now to that Almighty God, who can do for his People exceeding abundantly, above all that we can delire or ask, believe or conceive in our narrow Thoughts, as it is intimated even its thePower of Sanaity and Miracles, which he exercileth in and among us now ; To hint, I fay, be Glory in the Church, by the Mediation o: Jefus Chrift, (in whom the Glory of God's Love fhineth to us, and by wham we tender Praif to God ) throughout all Ages, World wi:hyutend. ,Amen, CHAP. IV. x. T Therefore the prifoner of the Lord, befeech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. s. Seeing then the Richesof God'sGrace in Chefft is fo abundant to you converted Gentiles, I that am a Prisoner for declaring this Grace of Chrift to you, exhort you that you live acute- oiling to the great Obligation of your Vocation. 2. With all lowlinefs and meeknefs, with long-fu;bring, forbearing one another in love ; 2. Such a Chriftian Life mutt be in all to uli- ne(r, or humble thoughts of your (elves, your Knowledge, your Goodnefs, and your Po,te, and in all meeknefs or gendenefs towards a. them : Love mutt caufe you with long-fuffering to forbear one another. Nate, t. That forbearance is to be exercifed toward, evil, that is, Imperfe&ions in Know- ledge, Vertue, and Duty, and tolerable Faults, and Injuries againit each other : Therefore it fùppofeth us to be all faulty, needing forbear- ance. 2. That proud high thoughts of our felves, and contempt, cenforioufnefs, and hurtfulnefs to others, and not forbearing tolerable Offen- ders, are contrary toClariftianity, and the taufe of Divigues in the Church : And by thefe the carnal perfecuting Seed, efpecially wisest they invade the Sacred OFice, are differenced from true Clsriltians, as Wolves from Sheep, even when, as the falle Prophets, they pretend the Cauib end Name of Chrift. 3. That all this is for want ofChriftian Love, and the Dominion- of carnal Self-love; and Love to God, and to others as our felves, mutt be the proper Cure. 3; Endeavouring to keep theunity of thefpirit in the bondof peace. 3. This Love and Forbearance mutt fpecially be exercifed to prefervethe Unity ofthe Chri- bian Church ; which all mutt endeavour faith- fully to keep. And this Unity inwardly con- ffteds in being all pofféfs'd and governed by One Holy Spirit, as all the parts of the Body are lay One Soul ; and outwardly, by living Peaceally towards earls other, ei;mcially in our Church - Communion. 4, 5, 6. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye ale called in one hope of your calling ; one Lord, one faith, one'baptifin, one God and Fa- ther of all , who it above all , and throughall, and in you all. 4, S, 6. More particulsly, in thefe (even refpefisour Unity dosis coni;it. r. TheChurch, which is as the Body of Chrift, is One Univerfal Church. 2. The Spirit of God, which as it were animateth ir, is Oneand the Fame Spirit. 3. The Grace and heavenly Glory, which is the Hope of Believers, which they leek, and for which they forfake the World, is One. 4. The Head, Lord, and Saviour of the Church, is One and the fame to all, 5. The Effentials of the Chriftian Faith, or Creed, are Oneand the fame. 6. The Baptiínal Vow and Covenant, and' i'rofellion, in which we are devoted to God, the Father, Son, and ISoly Ghol}, and united Sacramentally to Chrift his Church, is Oa and the fame to all its the Efientials. 7. And all have OW God and Father in Chrift, who is, r. Tranícendently and abfolutely above and over all ; 2. And inconceivably penetrateth all ; And, 3. In his Effence molt intimately in you ail, and is. All in all in ail things.